LFG is superior to RDF

You know what else is magical? Not using a tool that you don’t like. Nobody is forcing you to use the LFD tool.

Not having it is poisonous to casual DPS players who can’t dedicate a ton of time to being ignored in LFG and whispers while trying to find a group.

Doing a dungeon and talking is social interaction.

Spamming “LF Tank” or whispering “inv rogue dps” is not.


Again people can form their own group, they’ve done it since the release of Classic and they can do it again.

I don’t see many complaining during Vanilla/TBC Classic either, a lot of people will find solutions and that’s what makes Classic fun.

This is part of social interaction, you get them into a group and once in party you can have normal regular conversation. Do you just randomly converse with people on LFG who are trying to fill groups? Sometimes this can be the case, but it’s easier to talk to people once they’re in your party or raid.

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I aint talking to you either way, unless i say Summon… or afk a sec kids…

Technically it’s a completely different tool in retail and there is decent comms in retail.

I always join groups and give a o/

People seem to like that

Yeah let’s just ignore all the tanking for gold, reserved items, DE, off spec posts we see posted all the time.

It’s really easy to say nobody is complaining when you refuse to acknowledge their complaints.


No, I’m arguing AGAINST change. LFD is part of WotLK, period. I used it for nearly half of OG WotLK, and I should be able to use it again.

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Bloomsday is in a major bind here.

For MONTHS has been “no changes no changes we get the game we played”

And now blizzard is making a significant change and suddenly he is pro all changes.

It’s quite a funny evolution to see.


These are all existent back in original Vanilla as well, it’s a part of the community experience and you can choose to engage in it or not it’s up to you but to ruin all of that with RDF is just off the table so why not focus on making LFG better?

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At the rate we’re going WotLK will only last a year total. It needs to be at the start, along with every other 3.3.5 feature we’re getting.

Surely you’d agree that BG queues should be abolished too then right?

They hurt the socialization of the game. It should be premades only. Just as with dungeons


That is because bloomsday has no stance, other than opposite the majority

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Good point new and improved bloomsday

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I fail to see the comparison you’re making, how are these the same?


PTR doesn’t require invites. Anyone can log into it. The behavior on PTR is proof LFG will be a disaster.

Because auto queueing into content crushes the social aspect of the game. Right?

So we should stop all BG queues immediately. Premades only. Use LFG for it.


Not a lot of people are going to be using PTR, how is this proof of anything. The concept is the proof, and posts like mine provide feedback to keep going with LFG and maybe if you have feedback to modify it then they can take that too.

PvE and PvP are not the same nor do they cater to the same type of crowd so again I fail to see the similarity.


And you should have to go to the BG entrance too. No more queuing at city Battlemasters, get your rear to Ashenvale if you want to do WSG.


And yet LFG chat is already nothing but trolling and political talk on the PTR. Imagine how bad it will be on the mega servers. Lord have mercy. :pray: :scream:

Blizzard could change their decision tomorrow and Bloomsday would be like

“Its Blizzards game, they must have seen some considerable pushback and decided that the majority really does want RDF. They know what the players want and if you dont like RDF then just dont use RDF”