Leveling/mob changes TOO HARSH

waves from her Corporal druid and Knight rogue If you would like that experience again, feel free to play classic. Some of us have learned and grown in that time and appreciate different things.

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Hardcore is stupid because there’s no reason for anyone to ever die in the open world in WoW as long as they’re looking at their monitor.

You can go back to when hardcore was announced, and released, and find plenty of laughing at the notion of it.

It’s been said that the only reason people do die in hardcore is because it’s so boring they just want it to be over. :rofl:

lol, never played a mage in vanilla?


I did not, I find WoW mage to be boring. But I do remember friends playing frost farming elites in Hearthglen all day long to farm silver coin, without ever taking damage.

they are worth doing once for the quests that tell you to do them

After being levelled, with very good gear? Sure. It took me ages to level that mage. I don’t think I’ve died more in the 18 years or whatever it is now. Tahtw as an effing nightmare. Getting ganked by an add was a real mess, Ganked by two, and you might as well stand there and take it. Several classes were like that in Vanilla.

100% agree its way too harsh. As a 76 frost mage doing campaign quests in ringing deeps the stuff is just way OP. They are doing to much dmg and the hit points are way to high. Glacial Spike should pretty much insta kill non elite trash mobs but no more

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considering they were being 1 shot, that’s not really much

I remember, during vanilla, I was talking to a friend about leveling in the Gurubashi regions in Stranglethorn, where there was high mob density and lots of patrols.

He had this to say:

  • On my Rogue, if I get in trouble, I just sprint and run away.
  • On my Warrior, if I get in trouble, I leap out and run away.
  • On my Priest, if I get in trouble, I psychic scream and run away.
  • On my Druid, if I get in trouble, I go cat or travel form and run away.
  • On my Paladin, if I get in trouble, I bubble and run away.
  • On my Hunter, I feign death and the monsters run away.
  • On my Warlock, I KILL THEM ALL.

at least in dungeons, most things were not literally being 1-shot.

After reading all this, can’t wait to get on and run some dungeons and watch fools die when they pull stuff :rofl:

Warrior had leap in Vanilla? Fascinating.

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'Tis true. I was pulling multiple packs at a time this morning and now it’s one pack at a time.

bruh this expansion wasnt ready to go live these changes are just part of the meltdown as blizz tries to fix the game ontop of itself


Vanilla you say?

Did heroic leap exist during vanilla? I’m going to say no.

Someone is full of BS on this story


Hey greythar, you got a little something on your nose and chin :rofl: :joy: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

did you play yesterday or any time since EA start? bosses were dying in 10 seconds

It might have been fear.

But don’t let your know-it-all nit-picking get in the way of a funny joke, right?

You too. It must be rough living a joy-less life. :sob:

I don’t know if anyone else has posted this yet, but from WoWhead here are the numbers from today’s change:

Below, you’ll see a table of how much health and damage the mobs gained (or lost) at each level at a baseline (see below for addition modifiers).

Level Health Change Damage Change
68 0.7% Nerf 0.2% Nerf
69 2.4% Nerf 2.2% Nerf
70* 123.2% Buff 116.2% Buff
71 136.2% Buff 139.3% Buff
72 103.2% Buff 103.9% Buff
73 76.5% Buff 77.1% buff
74 53.0% Buff 53.1% Buff
75 35.1% Buff 35.1% Buff
76 18.7% Buff 18.3% Buff
77 5.9% Buff 5.2% Buff
78 5.0% Nerf 6.4% Nerf
79 3.1% Nerf 4.0% Nerf

Blizzard has now added Item Level scaling to leveling in War Within.

Before today’s Patch, no item level scaling was added until Item Level 571.

Now, some significant Item Level scaling nerfs have been added from Item Level 342 to 571. Item level scaling above 571 seems to remain the same.

This means that if you are item level 342, mobs will have a 54% nerf to health and damage.

Item Level Addition Modifier
342 ~54% Nerf
359 ~47% Nerf
372 ~40% Nerf
385 ~32% Nerf
398 ~23% Nerf
411 ~12% Nerf
424 No Modifier

So in other words, if you’re at level 70, with anything greater than 424 iLvl your mobs will be increased by 123.2% in health and 116.2% in Damage.

I think that the scaling damage/health percentage number needs to be adjusted way down.

I also posted my self comparison of an iLvl 493 character and an iLvl 337 here Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming - #3256 by Phenomenon-hydraxis


so mobs went from being 1 shot, to 2 shot