Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Post change:

Same ILvl 493 character.
The Nerubian War-weaver standing right outside the entrance you spawn at now has 495k HP. – Whereas yesterday it took two seconds to kill it now has taken an entire rotation. Upwards of 10 seconds.

Same iLvl 337 character:
Same Mob - now has 225 K HP. And took multiple rotations to kill. upwards of 15 seconds.

This feels, absolutely bad. My iLvl 493 character no longer feels like the elite she was yesterday. So much for the legacy of having good gear from the previous expansion means you’re overpowered in the next one during the levleing experience.

Edit: This confirms that all level 70s were affected. Not just those with high end DF equipment, though they will feel it more than undergeared will as they were already feeling it.