Leveling/mob changes TOO HARSH

what a lame change, guess I should have pre-ordered to have fun

back to FFXIV I go, maybe in a month or two if people complain enough, they’ll tone it down

JK its Blizz, they won’t

Negative. You now have to do entire rotations, and depending on your iLvl… Multiple rotations to kill a normal mob. Let alone an elite.

i did :slight_smile: and 10 seconds is not “one shot”. even a chaos bolt with 0 haste doesn’t take 10 seconds.

cringes thinking about how much haste I’ve lost simply by leveling

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that is impossible

if something had 100 hp and you one shot it, you did at least 100 damage, if something now has 123.2% more hp it now has 223 hp, at most you will hit it 3 times if you weren’t overkilling it before

that’s boss though, trash was being basically 1 shot

so boss should now take like 30 seconds max

You’re using base numbers to try to detail out something that we both know isn’t true.

Oh, I don’t need to re-experience those days. I still remember stuffs. Mostly.

I just noticed that today’s WoW isn’t as hard as it was in the beginning (obviously). Don’t really need that 1~60 taking like 5 months experience like it did me.

But leveling from 50 to 70 in one evening (pre-patch) was a little too quick. Appreciate the ease but still. >_<

Compiling the numbers was great work. They should hire you, they likely have no clue on those numbers and their actual impact on gameplay. When I have to run through multiple rotations and still get my butt handed to me darn near dying on non elite trash mobs it is just not fun anymore. I may just go play something else for a month or two and see what haappens.

except what you’re saying is literally impossible. You can’t go from one shotting a mob out in the world to having to do 5+ abilities with a 123% increase in hp

that was from wowhead

You’re also forgetting about the iLvl scaling. That didn’t exist beforehand.

So the mobs armor is also being impacted. Any restistances impacted. They are scaling up to 424 when before, they were not. Coupling that with a 123% increase to health, yes, multiple hits are now required.

you’re the one who keeps insisting everyone was “one shotting” everything. nobody else is claiming that.

Ok? Not quite sure what you’re getting at, I’m sorry your total BS anecdote story was so easy to debunk, I guess? Talk about a joyless life lol

Blizzard simp. You can’t even login to play.

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Mobs gained like 5x HP it seems

except the ilvl scaling only goes backwards, you posted it your wowhead chart

i’m not going to sit here and do the math, but what the chart is saying at 424 and above a mob with have 123% more hp, but if you’re say 342 instead a mob will have 54% less than that

i mean, i had multiple level 70s on the island over the past few months and one shot at various different ilvls

Translation: Nerf the content that I don’t enjoy, but don’t nerf the content that I like :upside_down_face:

At 424, there is no negative modifiers. It is scaling up to iLvl 424.

And the math is somewhat included in my post I linked. It’ll be between the low end of health, and the high end.

However, you can’t just take health into consideration when thinking about how many abilities it takes to kill a mob. Again they have armor, they have resistances, and additional things to mitigate a players damage.

I can understand that due to the stupidity of these login servers operated by a multi-billion dollar company that don’t work thaat you can’t log in and see for yourself. But I can tell you, you will need to do multiple rotations if at the low end of the ilvl spectrum, and at least a rotation if on the high end.