Leveling/mob changes TOO HARSH

Just tried tanking a dungeon on my druid and the difference was immediately noticeable. Dumb dps didn’t know about the changes and ran ahead and pulled multiple packs. I just immediately left the group. Looks like I’ll be doing a respec or playing another character.

Yep…people were exploiting that fact and have Brann maxed out because they could lock their exp then power level Brann like crazy.

Just seems like a waste of time and a part of the game that i would absolutely expect to have terrible scaling issues before max level. Are they really good xp or something?

level 70 was only increased by 123%, the largest increase was 136% at 71

one of the fastest after dungeons

it’s part of the quest lines

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It was actually insanely boring. All these spells and hero talents completely worthless when mobs are dying in 1-2 hits when you are only in 480 prepatch gear…

Oh and that happened for 7 levels.

Insanely boring. My alt is actually fun to level now… instead of boring


how many toons can we have now?

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I think it’s just highlighting spec and class damage/surv imbalances now.

Some of my 80s are smashing same as always, with less ilvl than other 80s that kill far slower.

I wouldn’t have minded with the first go through being worse but now on an alt doing the same stuff only slower it’s so bad. They shouldn’t have changed it at this point imo. Especially just 24 hours in, they should have left it untouched for same time as EA

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Anybody in WoW’s 20-year history who ever bought leveling gear off the AH is a fool. The game gives you everything you need, as you level, always has.

The outdoor world was never dangerous, including in vanilla, TBC days.

I was in my 30’s when vanilla released and had played video games since the 70’s and MMORPG’s for several years starting in the 1990’s. I often wonder if the only people who think vanilla was somehow “hard” (it wasn’t) are people for whom WoW was their first ever video game. /shrug

April 2006, I made my first character, a night elf rogue on Mal’ganis. I stand by my statement.

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Point is this game isn’t the same as then and people don’t really want it to be. If they did, they’d be playing classic…

“only” 123%? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Wow was my first ever MMORPG so yeah, it was hard. I even asked “where’s the pause button” on day 1.

Clothie in whatever gear I got from dead mobs on the ground, no idea how to play, kept getting lost Everywhere. It was definitely hard.

But also the best time ever. Still playing so that tells you something.

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yeah that is one thing I regret not doing before the change - I wasn’t having all that easy time at Tier 1 before. Now it will be enough I imagine just to bypass them totally.

Desperate attempt at an elitist take.

If Vanilla WoW wasn’t challenging, we wouldn’t have hardcore mode.

Just curious which World First guild you’re in?

the incoming damage was also increased though as well

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This is the hardest thing for me… I’m getting 2 shot on everything

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well…I would expect a lvl 70 mob to make quick work of a lvl 24 toon. :stuck_out_tongue: