Leveling/mob changes TOO HARSH

im lvl 72 on my first toon im playing, did some delves up to delve 3, now with the change it’s taking me 4-5 times longer to kill the same enemies, this is insane.

yes an adjustment needed to be made, was it a coincidence that they wait for early access to end before doing this? but not THIS extreme of an adjustment, maybe 50% of what was done would be good, but this is just dumb


Blame the EA brigade who whined for them in their 500+ DF end-game gear it was too easy.


Don’t lump all of EA together. I had EA and I loved the quick pace. I wanted it to stay so I could level my army. I only have 4/64 toons to level 80


WoW Developers detected fun. Too much fun. Also people that paid $40 more to win, were allowed to have it, normal xpac purchasers didnt pay to win.

This scaling has always been like this in WoW expansions… but NOW that you can pay to win, it needs to be curbed. And before Blizz white knights come argue, go find yourself some previous xpac leveling videos. You’ll see I’m right. Who cares if you mow through bosses at 72… not like anyone is competing at 72. Blizz devs, whatever …l.,


Working as intended. This is to punish those who didn’t buy early access. Next expansion, the early access numbers will go up.


My dk(blood) was level 75 before the fix and it seems pretty much as it was 77-79(leveled some other characters to 80). Not sure what is going on with the dungeons, some players don’t seem affected by the nerf while other runs are… a chore. Like watching paint dry kind of “fun”. It’s to be expected I guess since people were so powerful 70-74 and no longer are.

Anyways it was fun while it lasted…


Many of us wanted these exact changes to happen, and I think it’s significantly more fun now. I actually waited to start the expansion until these changes went through.

To anyone at Blizz reading, this was a very good fix. :pray:


You should have bought early access. There were obvious benefits that people argued did not exist.


I think it was a bit harsh. My 73 tank druid alt is struggling to kill things efficiently now without taking most of her HP despite being iLevel 447. Same with my iLevel 480 72 Brewmaster monk. I had to switch her to Windwalker to be able to kill stuff.


nah this isn’t it. i enjoyed being able to level alts quickly through dungeons. playing or not playing EA has nothing to do with this.

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Not a coincidence. They needed the data— and apparently to listen to people complain “iT’s ToO eAsY!!!”

Well yeah… you’re in Awakened season Heroic raid 4 set bonus gear, while it was tuned for fresh 70s in 360-380 gear…

But… here we are.


I agree. I can’t even solo a single mob anymore on an undegeared DF toon and I’m not going back to that content to farm gear just to level…ridiculous.


Gobble gawk gawk gawk…


Not to this extent in dungeons. This ain’t Remix. No level 70 should be pulling the whole dungeon and trampling it like that.

Open world didn’t need to be touched, though.

That’s the other issue. We got people around here like, “Just go run some WQs in DF and get better gear!” :woman_facepalming:


Blizzard mail everyone a 520 ilvl set.


I smell poo poo, the changes weren’t that heavy, at most it should take you about 2x as long

at level 72 mob hp is only 103% higher


I agree. Open world shouldn’t have been touched in any sense of the word. I’m leveling up an alt and because of how fast it is (not a bad thing) he went in with some really crappy gear – it is taking absolutely /forever/ to kill just basic mobs. Good Lord.


mine got lost in mail :scream:

Level 72 enemies got a 103.2% Buff so you’re grossly exaggerating or doing something really wrong.
Stop wasting time complaining and coming up with tin foil theories. Scaling was bad, not its better. The game improved.

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Leveling dungeons are hilarious now. Tons of wipes from people who didn’t get the memo.