Factually incorrect. But one of the forum admins with a sleeping panda icon is locking and hiding related threads. The only one they haven’t been so bold as to sweep under the rug is the community council thread.
You can find more posts on reddit using google, and on xp off dot com.
Blizzard needs to clarify WHY these people are getting banned.
Just because someone has incurred a punishment, doesn’t mean they’re guilty of wrongdoing.
Ive noticed that guy, he’s a busy beaver locking and hiding every thread on the matter.
Having said that, i still think its safe to say, if you just have a twink to twink and nothing else (honest and for true) you weren’t banned nor will you be.
Did a lot of twinks get banned? Yes.
Did Blizzard hire pandas to sweep it under the rug? Quite possibly!
What i am certain of, whatever twinks did get banned did something else either beyond or in conjunction with twinking to get themselves banned and they aren’t fessing up.
Look at it this way:
If twinks were car owners and Blizzard was the police, the news would read…
“Police arrest thousands of car owners, film at 11”.
Does this mean everyone who owns a car is criminal? I own a car, i wasn’t arrested. People who were arrested all claim innocence “i was just driving my car, and the police arrested me”.
Cyclists everywhere rejoice and blame car drivers for everything, even though thousands more car drivers were never arrested.
Finally, the Police (Blizzard) make an announcement…
All the people recently arrested were bank robbers who were spotted driving away in their cars from the robbery.
It was never the car that was the crime (twinking), it was the bank robbery (other violation of ToS) that was the reason!
I still don’t understand why they are mad at 11 twinks for making a boring activity faster, and how that’s functionally any different from me just going just as fast on my mythic-geared toon. Sure, level 11 fury warriors are slightly faster than a geared 80, but next season they won’t be. Are you going to complain about 80s then too?
How many people play WoW? Come on, I know for sure you know how math works. Trying to claim a forum post in game of millions that has maybe 12 different twinks posting doesn’t mean it isn’t rare.
Dungeons have always been a race though. It’s always been a game of trying to see who can pull the most, who can do the biggest numbers, who can clear it faster.
Twinks are just the ultimate endgame of it. Its not a big deal
Love the Reddit poster claiming to have been banned for twinking proceeds to link the receipt of said information only to have the comment section completely mock them because the real reason for their ban was,
"You weren’t banned for twinking, it says right in the picture you posted that you were banned for using “unauthorized cheat programs to gain unfair advantages that are not attainable through normal gameplay.”
Twinking is attainable through normal gameplay. It wasn’t the twinking, it was the cheating. Obviously.
May I ask, what exactly is your goal? I see this a lot, people like yourself get banned and then come here to invent a story about how they’re innocent. The thread either dies and you get nowhere, or a blizz employee gets tagged a bunch and then publicly embarrasses the poster by displaying receipts for the cheating. I just don’t get the angle, is it revenge? You broke the rules, got banned, and now you need to spitefully scare away customers by framing your ban as unjust?"
This reason given to players for why they were banned doesnt always mean it was a secondary hack or program.
Its a placeholder listing used to generalize many instances of potential fraud, cheating.
The fact is. There are players they have been given this reason officially that did absolutely nothing malicious.
Systems get tweaked unintentionally sometimes that triggers Blizzards anti cheat protocols.
I have seen dozens of times just in the last day where players are adamant that if that is the listing given. The player accused is dead to rights.
This is not always the case.
Yeah, that’s true, sometimes innocent people can and do get caught up in a ban wave and just like the poster of that thread they have the right to contest their ban and see if it is upheld or overturned.
Not to mention, I am sure we have all been down this road before when it comes to ban waves and how those work.
I personally find the whole thing to be boring as all get out. I created this character, farmed all the gear that was listed on the XP off website. Spent time running TW for the two weapons listed. Socked all my gear including rings and neck with the right gems to maximize my speed, and after all of that I was like damn this is just as boring as if I were on one of my level 80s farming.
Yeah, and it was just as boring. That is my level 11 twink I posted on. I wouldn’t even say it was fun to make a twink. I’ve done it a few times, thought I would enjoy it, and it turns out after having acquired the items needed it never picked up in the fun department.
Sure, it’s cool for me to go stomp a TW, or to have random players ask me to run them through some dungeons (which I do not do that), but after a few I get bored with it. So, now that guy will just collect dust, locked at level 11 for right now.
You have actual delves that require you to do your class…
TWing has always been a ROFL stomp, it isn’t designed to be a challenge. Before they did the newest scaling where the dungeon scaled to you, you could blast through it with old legendaries, etc.
Weve been over this. You just completely dodged it the last time you brought these lies up.
If YOU queue as a TANK, you will NOT have a 11 twink warrior in your group.
Level 11 Fury twinks have absolutely no reason to queue as DPS. The DPS queue time is 100x longer than tank queue time.
So stop with this “I queued as a tank but the meanie twink wouldnt let me” nonsense.
Go find something to legit be upset with and not these made up scenarios in your head.
This is not really true, There was a difference with Legendaries/Heart of Azeroth/Random effect gear but usually that stuff would be so hurt by scaling down that it would often be negligible over the course of a fight.
Copy Pasting the stupid timerunning code over to Timewalking has completely broken it. I can’t go into a Dungeon without a low level or geared 80 being there and breaking the entire gameplay loop.
In terms of wanting people to do their roles outside of M+, healers are barely needed in any type of content below that level if there’s even one person in the group that somewhat outgears the content. The DPS is usually dominated by 1-2 people even without twinks. It’s just the nature of that kind of content if there’s any reason to run it besides equippable gear.
I did finally run into one person that didn’t seem to like my twink. I was on a healing class and I was letting the tank pull, but I was doing 90+% of the damage and they /golfclapped at me It was a low 70 I think so they might have been sad that they were no longer the most powerful person in the group I guess.