Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Also their transmogrification uses void racials

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she’s just trying to RP as the supervillain from the batman comics called twoface c’mon it’s different :smiley:


No you don’t get any blood elf customizations. You want those then play blood elf. That’s your only choice. Either that or leave.


That is an ultimatum of give in to you demands or you will keep on going and like I said if they do give in , you still won’t stop and you know it.


Eh, I don’t have to do that. Legit we’re just missing hair. It’s gonna come.

All their racials really.

I gave my word that I will. If we get them and I still do this you can call me out.

Man really is a void elf. I think the void got him so deep he thinks he is a high elf


Its not ever coming. You don’t get to steal my races identity


No, you are not going to stop until this game has no identity left within it. We are going to fight you and prevent this from happening in all aspects.


This was him just last month in the Void Elf thread threatening VE fans that if HE stuff wasn’t added it would lead to HE fans harassing Void Elf requests


No you won’t. At least be honest.

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I truly would. Don’t try to act like you know me.

Or maybe he’s just a High Elf


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Wow you just don’t know when to stop do you?


And yet somehow he can’t see how much he is in the minority. I see more people asking for blood elf options and void elf options than helf.

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No you WON’T you helfers will just keep going and demanding until your fake race is the only left and WOW is dead.


That’s because high elf posts get flagged very quickly. But there are so many of them they keep popping up like weeds. It’s just this forum in particular that’s tired of high elf threads because… there’s dozens of them.

There you go thinking you know me and what I would do even after I said I wouldn’t and gave my word. I mean, I can’t fight that. It’s impossible. Whatever I say you will just deny. So be it.

Probably because posts and your attitude is why people have a negative opinion at least here


No, we are tired of them because you got what you wanted and can’t accept a dose of reality here. It is done, and over. You are not going to get more. The racial isn’t going to be a toggle. You are not getting paladins. And that’s that.

What will happen is void elves will get more void themed options and blood elves will get more options that you won’t ever get to have unless you plan to reroll. End of.

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