Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

We all want this discussion to end. I want it to end by having what I want, and you want it to end so you’ll never have to see it again. So let’s compromise. For the record by the way, this compromise won’t 100% end things, there are always outliers. But I can promise that if this compromise happens that you’ll very rarely see any more posts about it, and the remainder will be so few that it won’t be a problem anymore. I for one can promise I won’t make another post if I see these things.

For the first part of my compromise, I want 3 blood elf hair styles. They are ones that are synonymous with the high elves we see out in Dal and other places, and I don’t want and of the styles that are uniquely for blood elves. So before you get all up in arms, at least hear what they are. So the 3 styles are:
1 - Number 12 Mane.
2 - Number 9 Slicked.
3 - Number 16 Chonmage.

I feel these hairstyles give male void elves much-needed long hair options that are refined and elegant. Something they are severely lacking with all of their awful thinning hair, or extremely short options.

Now, for the next part of my compromise. I want to see at least 3 of the human hair styles for void elves. This is for the fact that high elves have now meshed with human culture. It make sense for them to have some human hair styles and it pushes them away from blood elves a bit. The three hairstyles I want are:

1 - Number 16 Foxtail
2 - Number 11 Fabulous
3 - Number 5 Barbarian

So. This gives us 6 hairstyles, 3 from BE’s, 3 from humans, that would be perfect for the high elf fantasy.

As for my next and last compromise, it’s a simple one. Just add a toggle to turn off Entropic Embrace. I mentioned this in my last post, but it’s extremely important. If we get those 6 hairstyles, and the toggle, I’ll be fully satisfied. And as for the compromise, if we get these, Void Elves can have the rest. New hairstyles are all theirs, new eye colors, etc. We get what we want, they can have all the remaining options to themselves and we’d be good. I mean, the new Drackthyr male thalassian elf model has some new hair that would look great on a void elf. Maybe pull from them. But I don’t have a leg in the void elf race, and you all know what you want more than me. But you’ve heard what I wanted. I hope we can just make peace and agree to this and just stop infighting and spamming and everything. Believe me, this is a compromise. There is so much more I personally want, but I will not be that greedy. Again, I will be satisfied with these things and I’ll move on.




You may as well. It won’t end. Not asking for a lot here so let’s not be petty. This way, you get to keep your uniqueness. Only 3 of your hair styles are not that much. The core blood elf styles I have not asked for. I could just say we should get all of them being we have blood elves in our ranks. I’m being fair, very fair. Seriously, I am not asking for a lot here at all. Hope you get that.

You said yourself it won’t end regardless.

It could just be me but “give me what I want or I’ll keep whining” seems rather petty. To each their own I suppose.




It won’t end fully. But this would go to make the vast majority of people satisfied. You will still see some pop up asking for more, but it’ll be manageable.

Look. I’m not saying I’ll continue whining. It isn’t just me. I mean, if you ever look at these forums they are always ablaze with high elf requests. Many of those will pipe down if we get this compromise.


I get: What I want.
You get: Nothing.


yet you high elfers keep. bringing. it. back. up.


It never ends.


The offer is you get the forums to be less high elf focused, and also void elves will have free reign to whatever options they want without people jumping in and stealing their thunder.

yea the anti-blood elfers will find things to request even if they are given everything and nobody else gets anything so I suggest not giving them anything.


It’s brought up because we haven’t gotten what we needed yet? Male hairstyles are actual trash, okay. There’s nothing there for us. And entropic embrace is an awful visual. These are the 2 key things we almost always bring up.

Asking for a few blood elf hairstyles is not anti blood elf. We are thalassians as well. We definitely have a right to some of the hair that Thalassians have. This is just common sense. I am not asking for silvermoon, never asked for the deletion of blood elves or anything. You are talking to the wrong poster about this stuff, because I’ve never been anti blood elf anything.

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Good, I say keep fighting until we actually get high elves on the Alliance.

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Then no. 10 chars


So the compromise is, you get what you want and in return you’ll stop crying about it?

That just sounds like…crying until you get what you want.


It’s better than how things are now. It’ll 100% end things with me and most posters who go on about these things. That should be enough for you. There is no world where you can satisfy everyone. But satisfying the vast majority? That is a huge win.

Well. It basically allows void elves to have their race back. Then they can focus on void elf things, and it’s a win for them at least.

I also suggest a compromise. Delete void elves. Replace it with an actual race like botani or something and let those that want to play a thalassian play horde.


They should take away one elf customization option every time a forum poster makes a thread asking for more elf customization options.


ya know, there wouldn’t be a high elf debate if blizz just went out and said that every high elf died and theres none left. Blizz end this debate. Kill every high elf so this world can finally know peace from the elfian threat.


Or just give us actual high elves. That’ll end it too. More so than what you suggest. The horde is a pretty awful faction. I just wanna be alliance.

Wouldn’t be a debate if they just gave us high elves from the get go. Void elves were never gonna satisfy anyone. That was blizzards mistake. It’s time for them to just fix it and make people happy.