Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Probably because people are tired of seeing your entitled group every five seconds


I mean blizz said it themselves all races getting all classes. So yes we will get paladins.

compromise would be

Blizz can we get new hair for the void elves that like the high elf aspect and while you are at it can you add some more void hair styles or other void aspects for those that like the all void version of the race.

That is a compromise .

Going give me what I demand or I will keep acting like a petulant child is not a compromise.


Where did they say that? Post a source otherwise you’re lieing out your behind.

I basically said that. Part of my post was saying after we get that then the void elves can have all new stuff.

No, they never outright worded it like that. Even if they did, they will go back on this because they know certain things don’t make sense.

LFD DKs do not make sense, this is basically the bar. Velf paladins, undead paladins etc. That goes further below the bar and they won’t be doing it, sorry.

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This is a perfect compromise it gives both sides something while not trying to take away from either.

No a compromise would be both get it together .

Plus in all fairness those that like the void aspect deserve a turn you already got yours for now .

Enough trying to double dip

I’ve noticed his strategy is to say something, pretend it’s fact and then quote himself as his own source

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They worded it that they will be adding the rest soon after they made priest, rogue, and mage available to all. Just some will have to have some lore justifications that tey need to write for, and assets they need to create before its implementation.

I noticed too. He won’t post a source because he has no source. His “source” is trust me bro


They never said every race will get every class. Tell me. How would you explain Pandaren, Mechagnome, Tauren, and Goblin Demon Hunters existing at all?

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You can teach anyone to do a backflip man.

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A 900-pound Tauren isn’t doing a back flip. Though it would be impressive.


They couldn’t exist. Illidans the only one who can make new dhs and he doesnt trust anyone but belfs and nelfs.

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They would just be taught by the illidari. Same way death knights were risen as allied races. Lightforged Draenei dk’s make no sense yet it happened. You really think about this way too hard.

He’s the last bro I would trust


I wonder if we can make a chart of all the people who keep making helf threads :thinking: Maybe the count is even less than the number of High Elves in the Alliance.


I don’t think about this too hard. It doesn’t make sense and goes against pre-established ideals for the game. Going against them would destroy so much and the fact you actively want this is completely selfish.

If true then why has there been so much hate for high elves? This isn’t just something that pops up rarely to get this response.

There is nothing that says Illidary can’t train more DH’s. Or that Illidan will return someday and train more.