Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Is that really true? We both have everything to gain. For starters the fighting between High Elf and Void elf does void elves no favors either. High Elves vastly outnumber void elf players, and the coming harassment from them only negatively affect your threads. Not only that, but because we vastly out number void elf players, high elf options will be the most likely to come in large number of their options. Void elves will only be given a few scraps, because blizzard has taken note of what people want, and majority opinion usually wins in that regards. Having high elf player numbers backing what you want, and compromising on certain things helps you out as much as it helps us. No matter what, we’d all be having something to look forward too, instead of someone being left out, and then them getting angry and running amuck through the forums. If we could broker peace between high elf and void elf players, the whole of this race will benefit. If not, neither side will ever feel satisfied.

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