Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Nightborne waited over 5 years to get “fixes” that barely fixed anything. There are some races that got next to nothing. Void Elves are on the BOTTOM of the list for future customization options. It isn’t even up for debate. You can wait your turn.

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No they aren’t they are blood elves and void elves neither have high elves in their name

Void Elves are trash. It doesn’t need to be void-related. They inhabit high elves now and that’s just how it’s gonna be.

Thats not proof of anything. Back up your statement with facts.

Because the other races need stuff as well not just about you and your elves again learn to be patient we as players of this game all have to wait our turn now it is your time to wait just enjoy what others are getting then your turn will come.


Void Elves are amazing you’re just delusional lol.


If things literally happening as I said they are is not proof enough, then what is?

Why are you playing a void elf then


I am not purple, no tentacles. I have blue eyes which void elves wouldn’t actually have. What is void about me?

Changing the wings out for wriggling tentacles would make my whole year.

I’m pretty bummed they went with gold instead of silver for the heritage armor. Silver and purple work so well with their (void) skin tones.

The gold really clashes.


That statement right there proves you dont give a damn about anyone else except for what you want.

You truly are a selfish bully.


Your racial that reveals your void form. Also your name next to your icon says void elf not high elf.


Thats really the sentiment of them tbh I agree and it is so sad but so clear


Fake high elves are trash see there I just turned it around.

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You know what I find extremely irritating, even though I couldn’t care less about this thread?

Your post is 100% about the fantasy game “World of Warcraft”, and the moderation staff allow it to be flagged/hidden as if it where inappropriate, upsetting, trolling, or a real life threat.

You are posting a legitimate talking point in the appropriate place. I cannot think of a better place on the internet to express your ideas and opinions in regards to this topic.

I did not see one thing about your post that violates the code of conduct, nor terms of service, yet it can be flagged as such.

The forum moderators allow this game related topic to be hidden, as a down-vote of sorts, while social and political topics are given a “cannot flag” status? Why?

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And he says there is no war to be had here. He is literally instigating such.

Name doesn’t matter. I actually have a macro that turns the racial off. And hey, I am here asking for a toggle. If we get it what’s void about me? They already added non void options is what I am saying. Get the toggle what is a void elf about me? Nothing. Exactly. High Elves.

Your teleportation void ability

Well your race for starters


Activatable. You don’t have to use it. And it’s just a magic effect. I personally never use it, so I never see any void on my elf.