Lets admit something about RDF

I would agree with this.

I agree that RDF was not the reason WoW declined. All kinds of other things came into play.

A big one is (imo) that other games became available, part of the subscribers had grown up and moved on (w/jobs, college and families), cata blew up the world (and not in the good way), and a few others that you mentioned.

RDF didn’t help any but I don’t think it was the downfall of humanity like some folks like to believe.

Go ahead and prove it.

Ahh yes, and take the debuff. So I get screwed because someone else in the group sucks either way. Huzzah! Exactly what people predicted would happen!

So you have done enough rdf to play with everyone using it? No?

Your experiences are different than mine. Some people get lucky with rdf and never get bad groups. Others get them regularly. One of my guildies tried tanking for a gamma rdf alone with his dk tank that is 5.8k gs. He was upset doing it because he got dps that were full cheese gs to get in there. Pvp gear, cheap off set gear, etc. The worst offender according to him was the warrior dps he got. Furious pvp gear and spell power trinket/ring. He was the top damage done that run by far. Almost to the point of outdamaging all 3 dps.

Rdf does cause problems. Maybe you havent seen them, and lucky you if that is the case. But it does happen, and for some of us, it happenes regularly. Sometimes it is the gs cheeser, sometimes it is the ninja looter, and when queing alone it can also be the no real reason kicked from group.

Im glad you seem to get perfect groups in rdf, but not all of us are so lucky.

Vote kicking was an issue back in original wrath (but it was a bit later on in the xpac because this time, raid gear is available to the masses which starts to bring in entitlement.

I’ve done enough RDF to know that the horror stories are not the norm.


Only? No. I intentionally pugged regularly to try to make new friends. And with rdf out, we use that because it gives extra rewards, is more convenient, and bypasses lockouts. Do i do a lot of it with friends? Yes, but we sont always have a full 5 and we still see the bad behavior people now and then. Yesterday we had 6 wanting to go and 2 were tanks. Hence my story above.

Some people are just lucky to be prefect in life… I wish I were so perfect as some :slight_smile:

And yet they happen more often eith rdf than without because of server reputation and accountability being a thing without rdf.

Except they don’t, they happen, but not more often than stupid things happened before RDF.

And claiming they do makes you a liar.

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Accountability is a meme when we’re playing on mega servers with tens of thousands of people.


I mean, you can just quit ninja looting and cheesing your gearscore, and your problems will be solved. Ninja looting is a legitimate reason to be kicked from a group. I was spamming RDF all weekend and have not once seen an occurrence of ninja looting. I’ve also yet to see a vote kick for anyone who hadn’t been dced for several minutes. The worst thing I’ve seen is a healer who shame-quit after we wiped on the first pull.


So, your theory is that the game became a cultural phenomenon, blizzard had a massive marketing campaign mr t, william shatner, south park etc… but they didn’t attract new players?

no clearly they attracted hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, , yet subs were often rather stagnant, which means they lost just as many.

If you are starting your post with this you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

So ill say again… prove it.

Ironically, subs were not “often rather stagnant.” They were stagnant for the first year of WotLK, before the addition of RDF. After RDF was added, they rose again and continued to do so until the Cataclysm design team decided to turn the Heroic dungeons into 5-man mini-raids with inferior loot. We still have the charts that clearly show this happening.

ppl failin to realise this is a GAME first and foremost. the fact everyone pretty much shifted to rdf when it launched last week and barely any lfg posts just tells you that people didnt care back then or now, and wanted to actually PLAY the game and not wait for john to clock out at 8pm and drive home to do a dungeon. or wait hours for a party in pug. not only that, even with its bits of iussues people still rather use the tool than lfg.
source me: i literally have 1 dungeon i can do and it takes 30 mins to get in as a dps.
still prefer it because i know i’m gonna eventually get in while questing or w/e.

im not sure what ppl dont understand so ima assume its a troll post whenever ppl wanna talk about talking in dungeons lol.

dungeons are there to fight mobs n bosses, not chat it up all day.
you had plenty of time to talk to me when we forming the dungeon for 7 hrs lol.

Just did yet another RDF run with no issues.

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Just did another RDF run it went fine, still waiting for those mythical horrible RDF you claim are common place.

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Guess you haven’t been grouped with him yet.

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Just finished yet another RDF with no issues, where are these swarms of bad RDF groups :stuck_out_tongue:


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