Lets admit something about RDF

Me too! And with sub 5k pugs that people are threatening to kick out of the gate. Not a single issue. If anything needs to be fixed it’s reverting the kick function to the way it was originally in wrath.

That is what happened, I have posted on my Wrath Classic toons as well as my retail toons, not everything you don’t like is automatically trolling.

And me saying my retail toons that I quit playing are far more progressed than yours doesn’t mean I am bragging about them… It’s the truth. Here… lets look at it this way. You think you are so great at retail? Okay then. Find a single person here who is posting on their retail toons… who is worse than you are… you cant. Cuz you are dead last. You’re the forum troll here. All you do here is bully people including me. Thats why you are guildless at max level in retail. Cuz no one wants to be in a guild with a max level player who is just a troll. Get out of here with that 390 item level…

And lol x10… the ONLY people you got to like your post…are the other well known Classic forum trolls.

Oh there you go again, bullying yet another person here… leave them alone. You are an awful person. They don’t have to prove anything to you.

No it isnt. People werent talking prior to RDF.

no you havent.

What you do is trolling whether I like it or not.

has absolutely nothing to do with Wrath and its just you trying to stroke your ego.

Bullying? Then report me and see what Blizzard says about it.

Oh hey… wait a second… who randomly brought up my retail toons here? Oh… that’s right… you did.

Me saying my retail toons are better than yours is not bragging… um… you are far beneath 400 item level on any of your toons and have next to nothing done in Dragon Flight.

You in retail…

Honour level 25

Key progression 0
raid progression 0
PvP progression 0

So when I said you are literally bottom of the pack out of every other poster here, I meant it. That is not me bragging about my retail toons to say that I am better than the worst person here. That is simply stating a fact.

Why do you even spam post these Wrath Classic threads if you don’t even have a single level 80 in Wrath?

People blame Cata for the decline of WoW but really that’s a bit unfair. Granted it was not always the most popular but the major reasons for the loss of subs at that time were all the new games that released in 2011 and the “freshness” wearing off from WoW. It was no longer the new and exciting thing everyone was talking about. Skyrim, SWtoR, Dark Souls just to name a few all released in 2011 just a few months after the launch of Cataclysm.

You have been. Thats why I called you out on your nonsense in this thread. Other people agree on that as well. You are more invested in saying “my retail toon is more geared than you” than even playing Wrath. People told you to get on your Wrath toon and you refused.

Yes it is and its trying to pat yourself on the back because you cant actually address anything. You try character attacks than defeating the argument.

Oh… I have next to nothing done in dragonflight… maybe thats because I DONT PLAY IT. Like I told you before. Remember?

I dont play it.

Based on a character that I dont play in an expansion that I dont play, flawed logic is flawed no matter which way you try to justify it.

I do, but I dont post on them because of people like you that are most interested in people than ideas when talking about ideas.

You called nothing, people werent having conversations in dungeons prior to RDF. People just wanted to get the dungeons done for their emblems, thats all that people really want to do now as well outside of the toxic anti-RDF people like yourself (even though you claim you arent your actions are 100% clear on the matter that you are, in fact, anti-RDF) that are trying to throw wrenches into peoples faces when they are just trying to play the game.

Oh yea. I forgot. You don’t have any friends. none at all. ZERO. No one likes you so that’s why you never had anyone to talk to in any of your dungeons… well… people like me… I actually play with my friends. We talk to each other. In RDF, you aren’t grouping up with your friends unless you all queue up together as a group.

I do dungeons with my friends. You don’t ever do any dungeons and get a carry thru the ones that you do so you would never know anything about the social aspect of the game. You’re bad and you should feel bad. You are far beneath me as well as beath nearly every other poster on these forums. Leave me alone. You are boring and I’m done with you.

You are part of the same group of people that I had to spend weeks on telling the difference between RDF and LFG to.

And also… I have already told you I am NOT anti RDF. I said I did not want it to come out to early. It came out right around when it was supposed to so I am happy with it now. I do RDF. I actually like it, unlike you. Your account history shows that you hardly ever have done it. So get out of here, you troll hypocrite. 100% positive I have done WAY more RDF then you ever have.

How is this different with mega servers and layers with lfg?

See character attacks is all that you can do.

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My naxx geared hunter has run though like 15 gamma rdfs so far and not a word was spoken about my sub 5k gearscore. In fact the only time i personally have experienced someone being kicked was a super duper special tank that didnt get on a mount at the start of TOC, and he was 5.2k. As usual the forums just like to be super dramatic


Sorry but no, Cata was a trash expansion.


More character attacks. is that all you got? These weak 1st grade insults? Try harder.

Think at this point I have had one run with some friction out of the couple dozen dungeons I ran through the last week, all using RDF.

Been a good mix of 5 lock guildies, hitting up LFG chat for people server side, and just randoming into groups wholesale. Outside of the one guy who just didn’t understand why I wasn’t skipping Gamma bosses (stonesstonestones) didn’t have any issues. Lots of chatting, some silent runs but that’s okay too.

I understand there could be issues but I think that’s just normal LFG stuff anyway. Very little in terms of group problems are unique to RDF.

Dont act like you didn’t start doing them to me first. Only reason why you got your feeling hurt so easily this time around is because your two forum troll friends who are mean to me and to everyone on these forums weren’t here to back you up with upvotes and positive replies to you. You were all over me with the nonstop personal insults when you had those two to back you up, you thought they would come alone this time, now that you are on your own, it so easy to see how fast you crumble. You were rude to me long before I started on you… and just remember, I was only ever rude to you BECAUSE you started on me randomly out of the blue. They were here backing you up, we would never have gotten those two “I’m the victim” type comments from you.

Whatever relationship you think forum goers have is just a clear sign of your own paranoia, nothing else.

I disagree with Kelliste a lot on a lot of things, but one thing we certainly agree on is that you’re never ever right about anything you ever say.


You’re one of the two I was talking about. Not paranoia if It was proven true…and…within a matter of seconds at that.

Do you understand how the forum software works? Cause I don’t think you do.

I saw you typing a response right after I posted my reply. I dont get you in the slightest. You dont even play in this region, yet you just post on the forums here nonstop. You’re a very rude and vile person who always goes out of their way to start an argument about something if you can.

And you are such a troll, too. You say the only reason you post here is cuz the EU forums are dead…there are way more active posts about Wrath Classic there than here right now. So you are basically on here to troll. Everyone already know who you are over there on the EU forums and you very rarely ever get any positive responses over there. You already wore out your welcome on one region, doing a pretty good job of it here. Basically just a nonstop RDF spammer and then WoTLK Classic spammer on the forums when there is next to zero evidence that you even ever played Wrath since it was ME who had to tell YOU what patch RDF came out on in the first place…and… i was 100% right. I said it comes out when ICC does. You had to nonstop argue here for months on end saying you played Wrath back in the day and how it was so unfair that RDF was not in game when Wrath Classic launched cuz according to you, that’s exactly how it happened last time, that RDF was out with WoTLKs first patch, according to your very first posts about it. Then you said in another post about how you don’t like how they check for gearescore now just like they did back then… Um no. They checked for ITEM level back then. item level was originally an addon, then it came into Wrath at a later date.

Very obvious that you never played Wrath back then and you still don’t play it now.

All those back to back RDF threads you spammed nonstop for months…show us your toon that has been doing RDF spam then. Lets see it. Link it… you wont, you know why? Because you are just a forum troll. You just wanted to start arguments over some random top trending topic… you spammed our Wrath forums for nearly the entire expac about RDF and yet…you haven’t even done a single one. Just prove you to be a forum troll and that is it.

So you don’t know how the forum software works, gotcha.

Is it really that hard to see (1) on your open tab while you’re doing something else?

You know what gets me to stop responding?

edit 9 hours later

I see you still edit your posts post response without a separation of the original post. Good luck with that, readers should understand from my quoted sections that most of that drivel wasn’t there in the first place.

Also, didn’t read the drivel you added in later, have fun in your paranoia.