Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

i just want a copy of my toon

i just want to play tbc and vanilla with the same character

how am i wrong?

this is a decent argument.

Nothing about this is wrong. You can “want” that.

Claiming blizzard is “deleting” your character. Is wrong.

You wont have two copies of the same character. Is not one of them being deleted. You never had two. Only one, and you will still only have one!

I share a similar stance to Joyson, and I have no problems leveling up other Characters, in either games. As, they are two different games, I was (also) not entirely against “fresh” BC, either. However because others are bringing their PROGRESS into BC, I still did the work to have PROGRESS in Classic, as well. I’m now having to decide where the PROGRESS is going to be saved at, as opposed to both because I like both games.

Don’t mistake me for “whining” nor “complaining”. I can understand where Joyson is coming from, and it has NOTHING to do with the inability to level up another character. It’s about having to choose which version of the game you want any of your PROGRESS to be saved in. Whichever one you choose, you will be “fresh” for the one you didn’t choose.

You should just stop 'cause at this point, you’re just harassing Joyson.

IK and understand that’s how some (not all) feel, but that doesn’t mean any of you are “right”.

im not claiming anything. im revealing what is happening behind the corp speak that is blizzard’s blue post

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

when they say “advance to tbc or vanilla” they mean you dont get to have both

Fine, let’s use that definition of how transferring the character affects its progress on the original server.

Why should we care then? How is it any different from transferring from a PVP to PVE server?

If I move my character to a PVE server, then I can never go back onto a PVP server. Right?

Should I be allowed to copy my character to a PVE server, so I can play it there and then whenever I want to world PVP/gank, I can go back to my character on the PVP server.

I realize it’s not an exact argument given the different eras rather than PVP/PVE status, but it’s sort of the same thing.

There’s never ever been character copies in WoW. It makes no sense to enable it now. I can understand the game forking every classic expansion, but there’s never been a character copy option.

The same thing will happen at the end of TBC. Some will stay on the servers and progress to WOTLK, others will take their characters to “permanent TBC” servers.

He is responding to me as much as I am responding to him. One could say he is harassing me.

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Just move on to BC, classic probably doesn’t survive long afterward as the player numbers fall of a cliff and guilds decimate with a stagnate gameworld. Real question is, do they let you go to a TBC server if you no longer want classic.

He’s just going to keep it going. He’s already started a new thread continuing this even though several people have already explained how this works.


Advance with the rest of your realm… As in stay and do nothing. TBC will happen on your current server.

Or continue on “new” realms. As in transfer to a new forever classic realm.

this has been several days mobikon that you have repeatedly harrassed me following me to different threads trying to discredit me

will you acknowledge that upon making the choice of where to go, that choice also entails where you will not go?

Yea I know, oh well. I’ve wasted enough time and energy arguing with him

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if you admit that not getting a copy of your character does not = your character being deleted.

At the end of the day, like I said. Blizzard made their decision based on what they think would be best for the overall health of the game. They have data and analytics we don’t

okay i have an idea. make a paladin on atiesh. i will help him get to about maraudon level - mage ftw. at which point, you can probably do the rest yourself. i’m not sure about tbc paladin epic mounts. do they still have you do the quest or do you get it from pally trainer? anyway, the guild i’m in is actively raiding all raids, every week with soft reserves for gear. you could potentially get close to joy’s level/gear in a couple weeks

done. not getting a copy of your character does not mean that character is deleted.

so i would assume now that you agree that

in the context of tbc or vanilla, meaning that the effective result is nearly identical to having your character deleted off of one or the other, meaning as if your character is on both, in a quantum state, until you choose which tbc or vanilla you want it to be on

(explaining quantum mechanics at this point, basic quantum mechanics but thats what this is)

During this iteration of WoW, no. However, in future WoW iterations, yes, you can.

No because regardless of the server type, you’re still playing the same game.

No. I used it as an example to show how transferring off from a PvP Server onto a PvE Server eliminates the EXISTANCE of said character from that PvP Server. It exists ONLY on the PvE Server.

Just because there’s never been the existence of something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t happen. I mean, we’ve never had two versions of WoW. Now, we’re getting three (the Standard Game, Classic and BC)! These are going to be two different games (Classic and BC). And, if we’re having it where we’re having PROGRESS in BC, there’s no reason why I have to now make a choice of where I want said PROGRESS to be in.

I worked hard to have PROGRESS in Classic and deciding to save that PROGRESS into BC completely ELIMINATES having any of that PROGRESS in Classic. I, now, have to start that journey over because I chose to save that PROGRESS in BC and NOT Classic.


I have to start up that PROGRESS in BC because I chose to save that PROGRESS in Classic. Which is probably what I’m going to end up doing. Saving my PROGRESS in Classic and just “freshing” BC.

Or, Blizz will allow for copies, in the future. It’s a POSSIBILITY. I mean, it only took them 10 years to give us Classic. Who knows? Maybe in 10 years, we’ll get character copies :woman_shrugging:

One could, but I’m not. IMO, I think you’re harassing him.

Nope. Your character is only on one server. Until you make the choice to move it. Its not on both at the same time. No quantum mechanics are going on here.

Nice stretch.

I mean in the multiverse…blablabla

so… when you make that choice… to move that character that is currently on the phase 6 vanilla server… when you make the choice to move that character to tbc or the new vanilla servers… does that choice entail which server that character will not be on?