Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

Dead servers.
Duping problems.
Their game.

offer going once!
going twice!
i’m logged in!
it’s free!

source? night elves always lie

Private servers - new one comes out the old one ALWAYS dies. By the time wrath comes out there will be too many versions of the game
Duping problems / exploits have been in the game since Vanilla. Blizzard is bad at policing it, players are good at finding it. Its going to happen.

Dead servers has already been discussed, you’re just being obtuse on this point.

Copying allows duping, as seen on every PTR ever.

“bUt WHaT iF bLIZzaRd dOeS the tRanSfEr??”

Blizzard isn’t going to. Too many resources. They prefer to be hands-off

last chance to get a free mage run thru deadmines, stockades, blackfathom, shadowfang, scarlet monastery, and repeat till maraudon level

discussed? ok? that doesnt make it a fact.

not if its done once, by blizzard

thats ptr, not vanilla --> to tbc. what did you see them duplicate on the ptr?

At this point you are just actively ignoring logical arguments.

There isn’t an proof or hard facts about the dead servers argument because it hasn’t happened. But, based on private servers and how those went, one can reasonably assume what will happn.

Blizzard isn’t going to do it. I’ve gone over this countless times

On PTR I myself used the copy feature to repeatedly copy my character. My gold would double, my inventory, ect.

This has also been done on private servers, other games and the tournament realms.

There is also the fact that exploits have been used and abused by players for decades. And avoided and missed by Blizzard for decades.

So why shouldn’t we be able to copy the characters to those remaining realms? Cause you think they’ll be unplayed? I’ll be playing this character in classic till realms are closed

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Which is why they aren’t letting people copy their characters to discourage most from staying on permanent vanilla realms. That way they can have 1 or 2 servers per region to sustain those players. Copies would allow everyone to do both and would artificially inflate the number of people on those realms.

In scenario 1 we have 800 players in permanent vanilla. Blizzard makes 1 server to accomodate them and that server does okay. Not great but its enough.

In scenario 2 every single person playing classic copies their character to vanilla realms just because they can. So Blizzard has to make 50 servers to accommodate those players. But still only 800 players are actively playing permanent vanilla. And they are spread across 50 servers. So those servers die out, especially after fresh servers are announced and eventually Blizzard has to merge them. Keep in mind Blizzard HATES server merges. They literally only do them as a last resort. In retail they held off until they could make server irrelevant before doing them.

Oh, people pointed this out to him when he insisted that sending his GM Arcane Crystals and asking to be given a Rejuv Gem wasn’t a bribe. Then he wanted to get into the logistics surrounding the word “bribe.”

He’s a troll.

Gotcha. Noted. Hopefully he chooses to stay on permanent vanilla server.

ok dude, im not saying give players a copy button. im saying the copying is done once, by blizzard, on tbc release night DURRRR DUR DUR DUR DURRRRRRRRRRR. obviously i wouldnt set this up for exploitation.

And Blizzard isn’t going to do that. Did you miss that part of my argument. I’ve made it multiple times but you keep skipping the logical arguments and picking out little snippets to argue with. You are a troll.

never argued they wouldnt

Scroll up in the thread. I’ve argued it numerous times. And history and Blizzard’s trend of how they handle things is on my side.

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I’ll be joining you :slightly_smiling_face:

I was going to play both. So, I made the decision (with what I have) to keep my PROGRESS in Classic and just “fresh” every expac that comes. Keeping ALL of my PROGRESS that I did (at the time) to their respective Servers.

im not saying you havent, im saying i have never argued that blizzard wont do what they said they are going to do. im not sure why you think that i ever argued that, but i understand its an easy target and you probably confused yourself.

Plus, you know, the fact that they’ve basically said they’re going to do things the way they said they’re gonna do things. If the “leak” is anything to go by.