Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

At no point is your data deleted. It’s transferred. Sorry, but that’s how this works.

Exactly. Which is why they aren’t letting people copy their characters to discourage most from staying on permanent vanilla realms. That way they can have 1 or 2 servers per region to sustain those players. Copies would allow everyone to do both and would artificially inflate the number of people on those realms.

In scenario 1 we have 800 players in permanent vanilla. Blizzard makes 1 server to accomodate them and that server does okay. Not great but its enough.

In scenario 2 every single person playing classic copies their character to vanilla realms just because they can. So Blizzard has to make 50 servers to accommodate those players. But still only 800 players are actively playing permanent vanilla. And they are spread across 50 servers. So those servers die out, especially after fresh servers are announced and eventually Blizzard has to merge them. Keep in mind Blizzard HATES server merges. They literally only do them as a last resort. In retail they held off until they could make server irrelevant before doing them.

anywhere on vanilla

If you want your character data to stay in vanilla, transfer to a Classic-only server.


Nothing is lost.

it gets deleted off vanilla to go to tbc

blizzard is making you choose tbc or vanilla

what about tbc?

joyson was disappointed and it manifested hyperbolically. haha. i probably wouldnt have used the word deleted, but i’m not joyson and as you can see, havent put as much effort into my classic 60 character. elf just got her first tier piece a week ago, if you dont count the pieces from the ah. a bit of a casual, i am.

Why should you get a free copy of your toon?

My only argument with you is that your toon is not being deleted, like you claim.

If you were to just admit that you want a copy of your toon while doing nothing to actually play and level up another toon. I would stop. But as long as you continue to push this. *my character is being deleted. I’m going to keep pointing out that your wrong.

No, Blizzard is making us choose between staying put to add progression or quarantine in an era-locked server.

Nothing is lost.

why should i have to choose where my toon goes to?

You have to choose. That’s the point. You can’t have both.

I think most prefer it like this. The point of artifically inflating the player base and creating too many servers to handle all the additional “copied” characters that aren’t being played is a real problem.

If only 2000 people keep playing vanilla, why would we want 15 servers to accomodate those 2000 people and 20000 copied characters. It just dilutes the playerbase.


I would encourage people to stop replying to Joyson.

I don’t know if he is just trying to farm replies to make this thread look more important or if he is really just here to argue in circles but we are just giving him more fuel by continuing to argue with him.

He is not going to change his mind no matter how much factual evidence and argument we provide.

At the end of the day. Blizzard is on our side.

but why? why choose? why not just copy?

why not?

no it does not. this argument has been brought before me multiple times with zero evidence and i have refuted it many times without needing evidence.

thats not what im arguing

Because blizzard is gonna let you go play on a Vanilla only server, If that’s what you want instead if going the TBC route.

Their giving you the option at least. The first time they didn’t even do that. The only option was to progress

Nope. You stay on your realm to progress to TBC.

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but why not let us copy?

and how will i play vanilla with that character?

That’s not how I interpreted it. In a sense, however transferring the PROGRESSED character onto the Classic realm DOES DELETE that PROGRESSED character FROM the BC Servers. Just like transferring any of your characters off of a PvP Server onto a PvE one. The existence of that character IS DELETED from the PvP Server. You will NOT find said Character’s EXISTANCE on that Server.

So, it IS “deleted” from that server.

I wish some (not all) would move away from the semantics game. Alas, here we are.

I have this same thought process, every single time some (not all) engage in the Semantics war.

It’s data and PROGRESS IS from the prior server it was on. The character itself is not. Great, that’s been established, can we move on from this nonsense? Or, are we going to continue playing semantics?

If you were to just admit that you want a copy of your toon while doing nothing to actually play and level up another toon. I would stop. But as long as you continue to push this. *my character is being deleted. I’m going to keep pointing out that your wrong.