Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

I can’t believe I have to make a thread about this obvious problem. Let’s say I have a rank 14 toon, who has renatakis, tidal, mats to last for months of pvp, etc… I would def and had always planned on keeping this guy at 60 so I can PvP whenever I feel like PvPing in vanilla. Thats kind of the end game of vanilla anyway, right. So… of course I would transfer him to a forever vanilla server.

Now… I don’t get to keep my rank 14 title for TBC. I also have to relevel, and also don’t get good gear for outland leveling, which although isnt the biggest deal, it still adds up. I lose all my money. Theres no way I would make this guy a TBC only character, because all that effort all that grind would go to waste.

All they have to do is copy and paste… requires no money, no effort on their end. Its just obvious… you need to let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm. There is no counter argument.

This is just INCASE its true that they will only let us move and not copy.

I know there are going to be trolls on this thread, just calling them out now, anyone against this is a troll there is no downside to letting us copy.

edit: I also just thought of another thing… this would kill the vanilla only servers. Because most people will not transfer their characters… yet if they could copy they could always go back and it wouldn’t be dead.

This is a horrible move by blizzard if it is true.


it forsure sucks, and i do agree that we need to have a way to have our characters on both tbc and vanilla. The problem is, how do we avoid the glaring issue of dead servers? They want to combine people to vanilla forever servers, so they actually still have people to play with, when they log in.

If they let everyone copy to both tbc and vanilla, what vanilla server is everyone on? By keeping every server both tbc and vanilla, the vanilla only will be constantly dead if the vanilla only people are spread out on all 50 servers.

They would have to do a cross-realm phasing and sharding type deal that just had every server combined, and split into more shards if too many are on the vanilla only at any given time. Im trying to think of other solutions, but i just dont really see any. Which sucks, because cross-realm and sharding to me is the worst thing ever to exist in world of warcraft, and main reason i dont play the newer expansions.


they just need to keep a few servers, people will copy manually so not everyone will automatically copy. Otherwise this will KILL vanilla servers, its either vanilla servers are completely dead, or they will be “packed” (probably not though) for a few weeks then it will go back to normal. People are wanting to play TBC not vanilla atm…

I’d even accept a 10 dollar copy fee.

No copies :no_entry_sign:


i agree. i cant believe blizzard is shooting themselves in the foot again.

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this is a RERUN of classic launch, like holy hell why is this happening again? Remember when they scuffed launch, wouldn’t let us transfer to meet up with guilds so bunch of us had to reroll like 5 times? They then ruined the populations with free xfers? remember all that mess? this is the same thing my god… this company is something else.


As somebody who’s going to leave his char in a classic vanilla server… I support the decision.

I’ll level another warrior for TBC. But when I want to play on this one, I want to know there’s people to play with, not a bunch of people playing TBC with unplayed chars in vanilla.


It wouldn’t make any difference lol? people who wanna play vanilla would just hop on their vanilla toons… what are you even saying?


Ah, so not here to have a conversation I see. Just wanna preach from the pulpit.


Any thread saying this should be dismissed out of hand and deleted.


please, you and I both know its true.

This has literally never been a thing (excluding the PTR). Even if you argue “well there are two game versions now!” you still can’t copy from classic to retail. Just admit you do not want to level another character.


of course I don’t and thats completely valid, and I don’t want to lose my high warlord title, which I was looking forward to having for TBC. I also wanted to have a smooth leveling experience, and have old trinkets like renataki and tidal. Now I won’t be able to get any of that. Why? No reason other than the devs dont want us to.

It also has never been a thing for the game to have classic wow, and classic TBC… so your point is kinda useless. And thanks for proving they very well have the technology and means to copy :slight_smile:

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never had to level another character in vanilla. forcing us to delete our vanilla character to play it on tbc is not how vanilla went. you never had to level up the same character twice.


Keep posting I’m gonna post every day until they let us copy our characters, they are gonna ruin TBC already before it even launches this company truly is something else.

There wasn’t ever anything that indicated copy/paste would be an option.


There wasn’t anything that indicated it would or would not, or that it would be moving, or no TBC or yes TBC… what is your point?

They aren’t going to allow copies. I don’t know why this needed another thread.

-Copies are easily exploited
-This is how actual Vanilla to TBC went, they are actually giving you a choice this time actually so its even better
-I would bet that they don’t want many people to stay on vanilla servers. They are probably going to eventually release fresh servers and this way there isn’t another version of the game to manage. This helps nudge players towards TBC
-If enough people wanted legacy vanilla, they would be doing it. They did surveys, obviously not enough wanted it.
-Staying on Vanilla would go against everything an MMO is about. MMO’s aren’t about staying on a stagnant, never changing server and doing the same content over and over.


Imagine Blizzard thinking their playerbase are mature and responsible enough to make critical decisions for themselves and take responsibility for them.

What an evil company clearly :kissing_heart:


Nah this isn’t happening. Just play on the Classic era servers if you want to play vanilla.