Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

technically there is one it’s just at x8. very insignificant.

Great. So what is the scaling for other expansions?

800%, “insignificant”.


X8 is really significant. You probably arent using a self healing spec, consuming, and/or not obeying boss mechanics.

Leech is required, you’d see a vast difference in the difficulty of these raids if you used 10% leech. Doing x8 damage with 10% leech keeps you topped up the entire raid. With that the only thing killing you are the boss oneshot mechanics.

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the other expansions have it they just nerfed it though from x700 x600 x500 x1000 x200 and x120 to x500 across the board until mop which is still x200 and wod which is again still x120. also legion as stated is x8.

This is entirely because people are absolute garbage at the game, all of the Early dungeons are laughably easy, cata being the only outliers.

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uh…I think the POINT was we WERE ABLE to do the legion stuff BEFORE prepatch…at level 50…with the gear we HAD THEN.
now we have to do it AFTER we’re 60 and geared up again.

and forget the corruptions crap. I CLEANSED mine, so it was a non factor.


so have you done yogg saron recently on zero keepers for the mount? cause its broken.

Use 10+% leech and youll breeze through every mythic legion raid.

This should be x20 or x50 then.

Current scaling is wrong as we were able to solo most of raids in Legion with BFA gear

Mhmmm… reading is hard.

read…my …lips.
its about the FACT that we COULD RUN the stuff BEFORE PREPATCH at the OLD level max and the gear we HAD THEN. and THAT has changed.

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i hear posting an actual response to my post is hard.

yeah…I dont know why its so hard for some to figure this out.
sure I can do it now…thats NOT the point.
The point is I COULD do it before prepatch, and immediately COULDNT do it post prepatch.
Having to gear up again to be able to do it doesnt = fixed.

Post something Relevant, Comparing soloing No lights in the dark Yogg, to somebody getting booty blasted while in a leveling dungeon is idiotic.

So what, adapt or wait until you have the ilvl to do it. Cant help you if you want to be a bad player. No sympathy here, get leech or keep complaining. Sorry you can’t walk in and press one ability to kill a boss and get the best transmog gear from Legion with zero effort.

I don’t mind that players who lack skill can’t farm this sweet transmog gear.

Obviously they are either trying too hard to defend Blizzard or have no idea of the word scaling.

I was able to kill KJ in 8.3 solo during the second transition on mythic. This was with the scaling of bfa.

1 expansion later with correct scaling, everyone should be able to go to KJ and solo him while he is channeling his transition at 40%

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I think I understand the disconnect here.

BFA’s scaling came from borrowed power, essences and corruptions while Shadowlands has none of these.

I think it’s also why the devs still keep saying working as intended while forgetting that they’re causing the problem

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Legacy raids should be mostly doable with average current gear.

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