Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

think this OP needs the troll song!

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The 2nd oldest expansion besides current should always be soloable for the masses at the end of BFA I was able to do mythic Gildan, albeit barely, so now I should be able to maul it. If we can’t do that then it’s broken.

The end.

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You’re not playing it off very convincingly, yah know lol?

When you’re trying to act blasé, you shouldnt, also, be replying within 1min to the person you supposedly “forgot” lol.

On this very basic geared toon I can currently solo Normal Nighthold and Emerald Nightmare very comfortably. I tried Trial of Valor but the mechanic got me at the start and I didn’t feel like sitting there for an hour so I bailed.

I tried Normal Antorus with a couple of friends and we had a rough time on the first boss and got as the kids say ‘ROFLstomped’ on the second. I assume in this case I just need a bit better gear and maybe unlock a few soul binds or something.

This should not happen. Are you gearing in Legion? No. You are going there for fun a quick raid. It should be like Wrath or BC raids from a SL player 60 pov. 2 hit and move on.

This is all a waste of time and effort. Players go back to legacy raid to do sleep walk and get out. Not have an intense out of body experience.

Also some encounters have not been fixed. So if you are not a pet class you cant solo them,


Exactly. Most raid encounters even legacy ones are mechanic heavy not damage. Even to this day hellfire citadel cannot be soloed because the first boss is the canon fight and its all mechanics based. Most classes can’t move fast enough between the two canons to keep them from be destroyed. Gorfiend is another fight there that can’t be soloed. His mechanic requires him to eat someone. For a solo player that’s an instant fail. Op needs to stop trying to justify blizzs incompetence. I said it from the beginning this squish would destroy legacy farming and I was right.


technically incorrect. you are getting ones they are just very insignificant at x8.

Pretty sure very few people could do intermission 2, heck, intermission 1, on Mythic KJ solo in BfA.

Since you know, it required to do the actual mechanics of the fight, which was one of the hardest fights in the history of WoW.

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The important thing is legion wasn’t 2 expansions late in bfa, now it is.

Ok, but they didn’t remove Mythic KJ’s mechanics at all.

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if they won’t remove hellfire citadel’s what makes you think they’ll give a darn and remove kil’jaeden’s?

Sorry the forum brigade spam reported your post that isnt in any violation. I did every Mythic boss in Legion on my 200 ilvl hunter weeks ago. They are clearly not obeying mechanics. To me it sounds like they just want to walk in and one shot every boss like its Molten Core.

Dudes, just read the encounter tab, learn the boss mechanics, make sure you are using self healing and you can easily kill every boss in Legion. The raids are an absolute joke if you have the slightest idea of how the content worked.

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oh look its a hunter the easiest class in wow to play trying to tell the other classes how these bosses are easy. GET. OUT.

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You’re technically a hunter in a way… You have a demon as a pet that can tank things for you

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You’re a Warlock.

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what exactly is your point? i am not the one going around saying ‘hurr durr all these raids are easy guyz becuz i have an easy pet class! just get gud!’

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That you can’t accuse a Hunter of being the “Easiest class to solo on”. Because Warlock is significantly better equipped, especially as far as self healing goes.

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They are easy, every class has a spec that can do it. Nobody can help you if you don’t realize it’s a player problem. I wiped a lot on KJ until I figured out how to do the mechanics, same with Avatar. I had done Emerald Nightmare, Trials of Valor, and Nighthold on Mythic in Legion on my Monk, so I knew what to do. I learned Tomb of Sargeras and beat that solo as well.

If you can’t beat it solo at 200 ilvl, youre the problem.

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Here’s a simple question one you would be unable to answer:

Where’s the Legacy buff for expansions which are older than 1? A.k.a Legion :slight_smile:

Anything else you posted doesn’t matter in the slightest because you want to troll people with the complaints they are having.

Show us the legacy buff or your attempts to dismiss people aren’t valid.

Legion has the legacy buff active, has had it since around April.