Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

i agree it should be x20 or x50.

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See my previous post as to why OP and Blizzard are ignorant of a problem which exists in the game.

Your laughable attempts to shill to try to get green text are not going to stop people from quitting over this if it isn’t fixed. Health pools for previous expansion content are extremely screwed up. BFA raid bosses have less health than Legion raid bosses. MOP bosses have less health than WOLTK bosses.

But yeah, keep shilling. Keep shouting that everything’s fine while people leave, lol. Maybe they’ll give you green text, while the game dies, because a LOT of people are quitting. Enjoy your dead game.

I haven’t tried Antorus, but I dump on everything below Fallen Avatar, who I can’t kill before the whole platform gets destroyed by swirlies.

Back in BFA, a fresh 120 in greens could solo every Draenor raid. That is not the case right now, and it should be.

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Why are you only 7/9 tomb?

many people couldn’t pass mythic KJ before the expansion either.

Blizz needs to fix the legacy buff and scaling for legion raids. Its ridiculous that I can’t solo one two expansions later. In bfa I could take a fresh 120 with no corruptions, no essences and very crappy azerite gear and blow through wod raids with no issue. Thats not possible now with legion. The system is broken and blizz refuses to acknowledge thier own screw up.

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Except my DH soloed mythic Guldan at level 50 in BFA. Show me you doing that now if you want to impress me.

No one can do mythic Eonar. Lol? Until the mechanics are nerfed to heck. You could have 30000 ilevel and not be able to do it. It was the same with hellfire assault for a long, long time. That wasn’t “fixed” for 4858485 years either.

No actually you could do hellfire citadel on some classes. A better example was Galakras in Siege. Since both towers had to hit him at the same time it was impossible to solo.

It takes 20 minutes to unlock Argus. If that.

I couldn’t do it on any of my regular toons cuz I had no mobility. Had to get friends to carry me through it. The final nerf though I could. As a warlock you should know my pain. :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

Yeah but in Legion I wasn’t a warlock. Except at the end for mage tower, even we could do it though by abusing that food that gives you a speed buff if you kill a mob.

rip mop mobile casting.

Ikr? Paladins are always crying about being a wheelchair class but their pony is baseline. We can get a mobility boost as a talent, that kills us. :sob:

Just out of curiosity I decided to try it. I was expecting it to be easier, tbh.
If you ask me, I think Goroth is “harder”.


Mechanics, probably. You have to do a hell of a lot of damage before the swirlies destroy the platform. Your only chance is to kill him before the first fracture.

It took me 7 minutes last time I did. Yes, I timed it. I was curious.

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affliction is the worst in that regard majority of our spells are dot’s, which take time, which you might not have for certain boss mechanics. yogg saren arthas hellfire citadel bosses blackhand jin’do??? in heart of fear (that fourth boss in there) amber shaper

personally i hate argus. the mobs hit for too much there. dunno if it scales went in there once during legion on my hunter. got about half way through quit when i kept dying to that first mob packed area cause there was nobody around to group up with. figured if my hunter can’t do it then my affliction warlock,ret paladin,arms warrior,assassination rogue,shadow priest (this was before they buffed them.),fire mage,elemental shaman,(back when they really sucked.),and unholy dk couldn’t do it either. maybe my dk but i didn’t want to find out the hard way.

luckily i got all the mythic transmog from legion for all classes during BfA since it was such a crap expansion. grouped every week and did it

This is 4 year old content. We shouldn’t be getting weaker as we level up. Period. We shouldn’t have to get good current content gear to farm legacy content.