Leaver penalty in M+

Well you are the one coming up with extremely weak claims of buying carries. The people on this forum know I only pug.

But you did make up a whole crying post about them buying runs while there is proof to the contrary, so you just look like a clown.

If memory serves you tank, correct? That’s a binary job lol. How does one carry the tank?

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Its ok cuz I got called a good dog today on the forums. I’m just kinda coasting on that.

People buy 2k in M+? Is this a real thing?

Yeah I play 1 toon cause i hate leveling and the thought of gearing multiple characters make me want to puke. So this is my one and only for the last 2 expansion.

Its not. Their feels bads are just hurt.

bad dog. bad.

I find it amusing that a player that’s legitimately so trash that they’re grey parsing 5’s is here accusing people of buying carries in real keys.

Yeah. People even buy normal and heroic boosts too

He also claimed that he got title and stopped yet he did keys last week on raider io.

You’ll be a tailless freak like me. Its just one bite away.

This game sucks so bad anymore. They need to remove the tokens and try to keep a semblance of integrity in this game.

Removing the tokens won’t change anything. People will just buy illegally again and most people like me will just quit.

why are you looking at healer parses (already silly) in +5’s and thinking that means literally anything? Literally what?

That’s not how m+ parses work, lmao.

Here’s one of his gems.

Sweet Goldrinn its a Fauxtrasza clone. Its an infestation!

Imagine being this bad at the game and actually thinking you’re good at it :joy:


Am I supposed to feel guilty that I stopped climbing at 2k or what

“climbing” you mean carried by crest farmers.