Leaver penalty in M+

There’s a reason bad players are the only ones that complain about leavers–they’re the ones bricking keys and causing the issue.


Nah it’s pretty clear you got boosted to 2k.

Then people leave once they realize you’re a boosted healer and can’t heal a 6 or higher.

Then you blame everyone else.


For sure. Should invite him to the next heroic clear. I need grief torch resets!


Its actually usually the score chasers because they can’t do anything without the people around them.

The two seasons I actually was going for score in shadowlands I walked away from my group at around 2.6k because the warrior screamed at me over discord cuz I argued with him that shamans don’t have a disease dispel.

He also brought up my score like its an argument even though he had the same score as me. It was weird. So now I just solo pug to 2k and then mess around on alts every season.

2k is nothing to humble brag about even when pugging.

1: Score chasers, lol. People playing at the high end.
2: It is group content, you require a good group to perform at the high end.

How anyone can think one cheering 7s th is late in the season is anything to brag about is LOL

And then we have specimens like this where 2k is literally nothing but smultaneously when you do it on different classes every season it becomes humble bragging

Can a dog just play a video game for fun

LOL are you talking about the 1 season in Shadowlands where it was 10 dungeons instead of the usual 8? LOLLLLL

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It was seasons 3 and 4

He was always obsessing about his parse and would jump aggro a lot and die on pull and then babyrage for the rest of the night. Got super old. He died to the gnome eating slime in mechagon and told me I should stop trolling and dispel him. When I told him its a disease and I can’t he flipped out

This dude wouldn’t make it to 1500 is he weren’t playing a healer with lust .

His logs have 4-7 deaths average in his keys (and they’re all under a 6 lol), and over half of the deaths are from rot damage/unavoidable damage where he just didn’t have any outgoing healing besides riptide to the targets that died🤣.

Season 3 where you only timed 2 M+20s with a 3.1k tank. You were carried or bought a carry. The rest of your keys were +15s and +16s

I love playing druids they’re my favorite class with lust.

Second only to fury warriors, the most fun healer. With lust.

That’s not how mplus parses work.

Hope you got a good rate for 2k.

That paladin was cool actually. We both hated the warrior and kinda retired from the season over his attitude lol

I also hated kharazan because pugs could not do that dungeon no matter how much they nerfed it

Why are we talking about parses for M+?

I dunno some random guy said my +5 parses were bad and didn’t elaborate

These are shaman logs, nice try.


This not you?

That’s him

I played a druid in season one, a fury warrior season 2