Leaver penalty in M+

Nice 2k io on your shaman main lol

He was crying in the dungeons sub about struggling with +3s

Being honest, I’ve already said what I wanted to say and I’m just watching people yap and cry about it to see how much the topic derails because that’s what the forum monkeys always do when they get confronted on leaving keys

They were +7’s thank you VERY much
(he got pupset that I still can talk about healing better than him)

Your IO is so low I wouldn’t even invite you to my Alts keys.

Never seen a decent player complain about this topic tbh.

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Good you’d probably forget a defensive die and leave lmao

I don’t do keys that low

I’m glad bro. You paid for it.

His shamans name is zandorf

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That’s because anyone experiencing this consistently IS the problem.

We wouldnt need defensives for your key levels.


Gonna claim I bought my CE too?

Sosari wouldn’t know about defensives cuz he’s negotiating the trade while they clear the dungeon lol

Idk what that means.

His shaman is just barely breaking 2k io.

He misspelled my characters name in his haste because I stop playing after I get the season mount and that’s the best dirt they have on me

Oh lol. I gotta be honest, does anyone care about this season?

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Again my runs are public.

I didn’t ask

I mean he cares enough to buy 2k for the mount.