Leaver penalty in M+

can we get some kind of penalty for people who either just log off or drop group when there is a single wipe in M+? It’s really annoying to be 3+ bosses into an instance just to have a single wipe and the tank or healer drop group for really no reason. Either give a way for there to be reporting for this behavior or do like you do in the LFG tool make there be some kind of penalty like a 3-6 hour group cd or something. And sorry for posting on an alt this is the toon that came up I would post on my main but cant remember how to switch it to show the right toon, been a long time since i posted on the forums


Only “2 posts”?

…same guy from the other M+ leavers thread? Forum alt maybe? :face_with_monocle:


i have only made 1 thread idk about another and yes sorry i just figured out how to use my main

No…just like we have said repeatedly in the hundreds (thousands?) of other threads asking for it.


if not they need to at least make it where you can report that behavior.

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Why would it be reportable? There is nothing in the ToS that requires you to stay in a group that you don’t want to be in.


Nicely pointed out ^^^^

The cold-hard facts of what the rules say and don’t say are clearly against the “please ban leavers!” people, yet they keep making these complain threads…


If they were going to do that, they would have to make it reportable for people repeatedly standing in avoidable damage/not following mechanics.

I haven’t had any leavers all season 2 so far, but did see it happen sometimes in S1. I’m not saying I agree with leaving after 1 wipe, but you can’t hold people hostage. Crap happens, start over/join another group, and move on. That’s what they did :smiley:


if they penalize people for leaving other types of content then why cant there be for this type.

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Here’s my thing: people leave LFD groups and get deserter. Why is that bad for M+? If you’re just mad over one wipe, you screwed the group and you wait a half hour. If an emergency happens, you aren’t going to be around for that half hour anyway.

There’s a disconnect I’m not understanding.


it honestly wouldn’t bother me if it was every now and then but take today for instance I have tried running 16-18 keys on Uld legacy of tyr 3 times this morning each time there has been a tank or healer leave by the 3rd boss. I mean if your going to have that mentality then why join the group in the first place. And no before you suggest it no I was not the problem there I didnt die till after everyone else did each time.

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Because there is a huge difference between Blizzard putting together a group randomly. And players putting together their own groups. Players assume all risks when they make their own groups.

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What’s different? It’s still a pug of strangers. Why would who chooses them change that fact?

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If people are leaving your groups, you should take a hard look in the mirror for what you’re doing wrong because I haven’t had any leavers this season and only had 2 last season, and both were for a good reason (hard stuck on a boss).


I would take a hard look if I were the low dps on the totem pole or dying constantly but each boss I was 1st or 2nd on the meters and didnt die till after both the healer and tank did each time. So there is nothing to need to look at there. I could understand if I messed up consistently yes by all means get away from me but when an aff lock can consistently put down 90k+ dps single target on a boss and 150-200k dps aoe I don’t see how I could have been the issue there and I was the primary person handling the incorporeal or however you spell it with banish and fear each time it popped up

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  1. In LFD/LFR you have no control over who is in your group so Blizz takes the responsibility and discourages leaving. If you make your own groups you assume all risks because you get to pick who you play with and your group’s objective.

  2. It would be difficult for Blizzard to accommodate all scenarios. Groups put together by players are used for all kinds of activities and break apart for a variety of reasons.

Apples to oranges comparison

That other content is automated/Blizzard-made groups, with M+ you have 100% choice/control over who is in the group. If your groups are consistently scuffed/wipefests then at that point you need to look at the common denominator (yourself) either with your own poor play or your poor choice of pug players/teammates

Even in the other content it isn’t really against the rules to leave a bad group. You can leave dungeons, LFR, or BGs all day long and it’s just a minor 15-30 minute slap on the wrist each time - you don’t get account action from leaving a rando group for the most part

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But we don’t know the people we invite either. Just because we see a score doesn’t mean we have control over their behavior. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not arguing for or against. I’m just trying to hash out the different viewpoint for better understanding. I hope I’m not annoying you. lol

That’s a fair point. I wonder if there could be a trigger for if key engaged, then leave, debuff happens. But I’m not a programmer for this game, so what I’m suggesting may not be a thing.

I mean look at all of blizzards other games with higher level game types similar to M+ there is a penalty of some sorts for leaving in their other games so idk why there cant be here. Look at heroes of the storm if you leave even a quick match you get a penalty, overwatch havent played since number 1 but i remember there being one there as well.

TBH I think a fair yet not to harsh penalty would be to subtract 25-50 IO points every time you leave. Then those people who care about their IO score so much would at least weigh the thought of do I drop group and take a hit or try to finish. Then if the key runs out of time yes let there be no IO penalty for leaving. With M+ being another form of high end content there being some sort of penalty would be worthwhile to at least make people think twice before hitting that button.

Even then, they would have to design around the group collectively deciding to leave the key or one person unintentionally getting DC’d for 5 minutes so the group breaks apart. While you could say a penalty would be appropriate in pugs…what about a group of friends that now has to wait for the penalty to go away.

That is the risk that everyone takes in LFG. I would argue that Blizz heavily moderating every aspect of social interactions would be bad for the game.

If anything, Blizz’s lack of policing is encouraging people to join communities were they actually know people