Leakmas/future content discussion (Spoilers!)


Some Shadowlands stuff. Not to go full conspiracy theorist on y’all, but this lines up weirdly well with the 4chan leak that said Shadowlands was a red herring.


Also, Korrgosh brought this up in another thread and I wanted to comment on it without bogging down said thread in conspiratorial speculation.

It makes sense that Blizzard would want Classic’s release to coincide with a Retail content drought so as to up their sub count, but I’m wondering if it might not also portend a longer than average wait time for the next content drop. It could be they’re giving us something to do while they polish a substantial 9.3 launch… or maybe they need something to distract us while the skeleton crew left working on BfA throws something together. I dunno, what do y’all think?

The Shadowlands was a red herring or the other leaks were? Doesn’t this look more like confirmation that there’s going to be a leak?

Also, why did they choose the most underwhelming names they could think of outside of, like, three?

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The whole “doesnt have one, gets some alive guy instead” bit makes me raise an eyebrow. It’s one of those things where I think there are truths possibly in there, but I doubt this is all correct.

Perhaps this is too negative of me, but any leak that hinges on Blizzard being lazy and apathetic, I’m inclined to believe.

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Yeeeeah I mean I see your point, even that I’m only able to believe to a point. Giving the vulpera Gallywix instead of a deceased hero like everyone else seems like a LOT. Even for Blizzard.

“The Darkfallen - Blood Queen Lana’thel (Racial leader for this final allied race is Delaryn Summermoon)”

The loud sigh that passed through my lips at reading that was enough to blow down my walls.

I’m not sure why “power creep” in lore would be a concern at this point since we are essentially rewriting the laws of life and death.

I mean, giving one faction an epic civil war story and another faction a robot cat “instead” also sounds like a lot, but they still did it.

Yeah but the Alliance got to talk to Vol’jin about the Civil War like twice, so you basically got to be part of it.

breaks down sobbing


I take your point, though. My personal issue is that these leaks have me torn between “that’s incredibly stupid, they wouldn’t possibly do that” and “that’s incredibly stupid, so that is almost certainly what they’re going to do.”


I relate to that in a way that made me cackle and I’m not sure why.

The only good thing I think that has come out of BfA is Jaina’s story, which I think was done fairly well. I always felt as if Jaina was written by a side team of sorts, overshadowed by the main characters for a long time, and because of this she’s probably had some of the best character development.

I will always be a #JainaStan


I think SWTOR, FF14, ESO, and even Wildstar (RIP, you were too beautiful for this world) prove that the MMO format can be used to tell excellent stories. I think I am done expecting anything from Blizzard, done making excuses for them, and done giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I don’t know what’s coming next but I am certain it’s gonna suck like a shop vac hooked up directly to a fusion reactor.


I’m stealing this.

Go ahead, it’s not one of my better ones.

Truer words have never been spoken. I miss my Exile boys so much every day.


“The Redeemed”

On the one hand I can’t stop cackling because that’s ridiculous and I don’t see it happening.

On the other hand I can’t stop cackling because that’s ridiculous and I absolutely see it happening.


It also proves that just by joining the Alliance, you get to be infallibly good.

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Put on this blue shirt.

Your sins are forgiven, go in peace, Rotbag the Orphan-Stomper.


This engine of implacable destruction in the shape of a wolf is a fiendish machine, a tool of oppression.

But this engine of implacable destruction in the shape of a lion is a noble juggernaut for good, a bulwark against the darkness.