Hey what happened to

I heard they’re all dead


Might be Classic too. RP hubs took a hit when Classic launched.

What parts of the Eastern Kingdoms? I know some use to be around in Silverpine once upon a time.

It’s this.

A lot of the “big name” Forsaken guilds have been recreated on Bloodsail, and whenever I’ve run through Brill it’s been swarming with RP-flagged babysaken.

I imagine after awhile things will return to normal, but right now the Classic RP hype train is still going strong.

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I imagine once Blizzcon rolls around and we get into new patch and pre-expansion content things will start to flourish again. Many of the RPers I know are pretty much primarily playing Classic for a while.

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Gonna put on my tinfoil hat for a second here and throw something out there-

Classic was released when it was, specifically to bridge the gap between 8.2 getting old, and 8.3 being released and the next expansion being announced.

Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest tbh.

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I think a lot of Forsaken want to see/RP in Old Brill again. Back when I played a Forsaken, Brill was the greatest of the little hamlets to just be in. The decrepit buildings have a ‘cozy’ vibe to it.

Plus, Forsaken since Cata have been… Well… Yeah. Cata turned up the Every Villain Is Lemons bit on the whole race.

I mean I think out of all of my characters who’d like to go back to Simpler Times, by Forsaken Mage would book a ticket to Classic in a dead heartbeat. Nathanos keeps trying to get me measured for a black uniform with a peaked cap because of my old General title.

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Y’all are dead on the money about this.


Thank you for the answers. I will just go to standby for now. Thank you again.

I read that, and in my head imagined your character going rigid, and just falling on their side with a neutral expression.


Forgive the digression, but it’s now headcanon that Forsaken that don’t have anywhere to be do exactly this. That or they just stand there, staring directly ahead, not moving a single muscle.

While Forsaken aren’t explicitly banned from bars, they’re usually encouraged to drink elsewhere as the sight of a Forsaken “relaxing” is horrifyingly unnerving to many.

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Well, I’d agree with you if there wasn’t an 8.2.5 on the way.

But bridging the gap between 8.2 and 8.2.5 is more likely. Although who is to say 8.2.5 won’t just be like 8.1.5? Hyped up a whole lot with a raid (half-a-tier/fake-tier) and then . . . yup. Back to running around Dazar’alor and Boralus.

That’s not really a tinfoil hat recipe, that’s just a good assessment of a common business practice. And really it’s the best thing for Blizzard to do, it generates revenue and keeps players engaged with previously demanded content.

I relocated to Horde around the same time as a LOT of Alliance players did. I know because I’ve seen you there. Hello, belf that was named something similar with the exact same profile. Oh hello race change, but kept the name. Glad to see them on! But Alli took a major hit before Classic, and then Classic happened.

RP is a social and creative investment. Give it some time, guys, just because people say they’re running away and never coming back doesn’t mean anything. Don’t get upset unless a character/guild is deleted.

To be honest, I don’t think it’s just Classic’s hype, I think the Forsaken story really did only get worse. And they had so few good moments intermingled, and NONE of them involved the major players (at least, in my opinion).

If I were to RP a Forsaken, I’d probably do it in Classic, BC, or Wrath.


It feels like after Wrath Blizzard didn’t know what direction to take the Forsaken


Completely agree with you. Once Cataclysm rolled around, they doubled down on the comedy and villainy to the point it was more funny than tragic or shocking.

And then with Calia Menethil suddenly becoming what she is, and Sylvanas… The story of the Forsaken looks bleak. At least Nathanos is alright. A bit grating, but alright.

Would have loved his old model though.

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But then how could Steve Danuser publicly live out his necro fantasies in a way that we all KNOW what’s going on?