Leakmas/future content discussion (Spoilers!)

That’s right, y’all! It’s the greatest, most wonderful time of the year…


So gather 'round the tree and get ready to unwrap some absolute ridiculousness.

Thus far, we’ve had a few major “leaks” (and several dozen minor ones), with perhaps the most popular one being the wonderfully delirious Shadowlands leak.

Read more about Shadowlands and how we’re all going to die and become ghosts here:


But a new contender has stepped into the ring! Everyone, meet… the Age of Awakening!



With a bonus Chinese version, which is something you rarely see:


That off-center “of” makes me want to scream and die, and that’s why I love it.

There’s also a leak centering around an “8.4”, but it doesn’t have any snazzy images. Oh, and the only in-depth discussion on it is on 4chan, and I’m not linking there.

Merry Leakmas, WrA! Which one’s your favorite so far?

“Gods damnit, I thought I had fixed this leaky faucet before I left!”

I honestly don’t like any of them and I’m so ready for Sylvanas and The Gang Go to Ghostville that I’m already preparing for disappointment.


Potential Tinker class is literally the only leak that has me piqued.


I’ve adopted this practice with Blizzard storytelling, that if I expect the worst and keep my hopes very low, then I’ll never be disappointed.


That is a Challange Blizzard is willing to accept


It should be noted that Pyromancer (that guy who does the wackadoo “lore speculation” stuff on Youtube) has reportedly been contacted by two former Blizzard employees who have allegedly confirmed that Shadowlands is Very Real.

But on the other hand, there’s been a few different sources now that have stated that the Shadowlands leak is a joke on Blizzard’s part; an intentionally inflammatory (sure sounds like Blizz!) red herring made to distract players.

Things’re getting interesting, y’all!

Also watching all this from the sidelines is kind of surreal.

Once upon a time a leak like Shadowlands would make me angry. Now I cant stop laughing at the fact that it is plausible.


I mean, deliberately instigating your players so they’re so angry they don’t speculate on other things would be some real 4-D Chess. But I kind of doubt they care enough or are that coy.

Are sure that would be 4-D chess and not business as usual?

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Yes, basically. Because “business as usual” is being so blatantly out of touch that they can’t possibly comprehend why anyone would think this wasn’t brilliant. For them to be this aware of how angry their playerbase would suggest that they hadn’t fired 800 employees.

Well, in that case, how do y’all think the RP community would handle everyone being dead and also a ghost?




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I guess it’d be neat to go meet ancestors. Or lost loved ones.

Past that, I don’t know. I don’t know how you take a concept like “death doesn’t matter and genocide can be good” and tell a story of any emotional weight.


I tried that with BfA and ended up even more disappointed.


Sure you can! Just look at Warlords :joy::rofl::upside_down_face:

I know you’re joking, but I feel the need to reiterate.

I suppose if there was some death god benefactor fighting a secret war against some nefarious force with the spirits of dead heroes, the loss of those heroes could be bittersweet. Losing them in life was tragic, but knowing they’ve ascended to a new purpose would provide meaning and comfort.

But, yeah, I am joking and I don’t take the shadow lands leak seriously

So wait, if we die in the Shadowlands, does that mean we return to life in Azeroth and have to “corpse run” back to our “body”?

if we die in the afterlife it means that we havughasistablahedaasd