The “8.4” leak says that Shadowlands is an intentional red herring cooked up by Blizz and that soon there’d be another “leak” with some small details (pertaining to Shadowlands).
That MMO-Champ thread seems to play into that, down to including “details” in the title.
So it’s either a coincidence, bored internet weirdos playing some kinda 4d fake leak chess, or there’s some truth to the “8.4” stuff.
(It’s a coincidence)
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See, this is another example of a Blizzard Conundrum, because spending time and resources to leak fake expacs is both stupid and clever and I both can’t see Blizzard bothering (or having the idea, or knowing how to execute the idea) and yet absolutely can see them doing such an asinine thing.
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All I know is watching from the sidelines in between stints of stealing skills from monsters in FFXIV is quite entertaining.
munches popcorn
You can powerlevel super fast in SWTOR. My new inquisitor just hit 50 and doesn’t have a ship yet. You can do all the daily heroics from the Fleet, and get crazy exp and blue-quality gear.
e: this is in response to Taalva. I am also playing a different game and watching this nonsense unfold with little investment.
Oh yeah definitely. With the scaling and daily “2” mans you level stupid fast in SWTOR
Their behavior has become so buffoonish that anything is possible. Truly a brilliant move, making things so erratic that no one will see the real expac coming! And all it took was a complete sacrifice of their professional reputation!
I’m still gonna be sad when Kotick files for Chapter 11 and sells off the company for spare parts. Despite how far it’s fallen, they were great once.
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Hey now. You can’t sacrifice something you no longer have.
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You also get to grow stellar beards. Even Void Elves started growing more facial hair the minute they joined the Alliance.
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I like the idea of having a racial hero that gets development, so each race has some degree of spotlight, and your race feels relevant to RP in the current story.
I dislike the idea that that racial hero is dead.
It’s also kind of hilarious (in the most depressing way possible) that the only dead Draenei of any note whatsoever is Maraad.
I mean look at gnomes though. That was the worst one. Thermaplugg is the only other famous gnome, dead OR alive.
If the Vulpera bit is true, it makes Maraad look like a saint. Imagine playing a race you’re really passionate about that’s newly released, and your racial hero is Gallywix? REKT.
From the leak Kaz linked:
Vulpera - No deceased hero, gets Gallywix instead
Gallywix is Kotick’s self insert.
Got something interesting from one of the data miners over on MMO-Champ:
Given that the Shadowlands leak didn’t mention anything about Durotar or Orgrimmar, I think we can safely write it off at this point.
And now I’m actually starting to wonder if that “8.4” leak was the real deal.
I’m getting flashbacks to the end of MoP. Maybe they’ll give us a chance to get that little hydra companion pet again.
I’m so sorry y’all for constantly joking about Siege of Orgrimmar 2: Siege Harder.
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I’m more curious as to why they would give Horde players the option to ‘choose’ sides, when the endgame seems to be the same?
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The choice to throw in with Sylvanas always came off as a last minute addition meant to placate a… certain segment of the Horde playerbase.
I don’t think it was ever going to be anything more substantial.
Female Blood Elves and Male Forsaken want to know your location.