Lag/Jittering with every quest hand-in/Level up

So, at least on my end, this seems to be BfA stuff only. I’m debating just staying out of that content until it gets fixed. Not doing much in there lately anyway.

I actually want to play the game but with the jittering/lag I cant.

Apparently this issue is not affecting those with an SSD? So I suppose its screw anyone with an HDD from here on out huh. Maybe the plan is to sabotage our systems so we will be forced to upgrade.

I just built my PC so if this game breaks it I would probably Bill them for a replacement. I am not going to tempt fate though. Blizz would probably laugh at me if I tried.

Seriously? Am I risking my HHD with this issue? I was wondering if i should be worried but now i actually am.

The lag and jittering isnt as bad as before the “maintenance” but the workaround doesnt seem to be working as well. Now would be a good time for the people in blue to say something.

Not fixed but work-around still seems to be working.

I did the work around but im still lagging out

Yeah workaround still seems to be working for me as well.

They working theory is the file is writing to your HDD several dozen times per second causing the lag. If you are running a SSD they have limited number of writes before they fail. Though this is a huge number to make an SSD fail how many bites of that apple is this bug taking out of your SSD?

I have the workaround all set up and im still getting the lag when handing in quests.

Make sure you’re using the WoW exe in the game folder not through the Bnet client. Also just turn off Bnet completely it will undo the workaround everytime you stop playing.

Just want to ensure that with the work around I will not face a ban for modifying game files. (since it is what the workaround is doing) If i get a ban for making the game playable I won’t come back.

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I just can’t believe this isn’t fixed yet. I feel like it will never be fixed now.


To be honest Blizzard does not have a very good track record of making sure wow is optimized. It took them more than a decade to get the game to utilize more than one CPU core.

They took away the true full screen option for who only knows why. Not being able to enable true full screen has huge performance impacts regardless of system spec.

The game is really not all that graphic intensive but somehow runs pretty terrible regardless of system spec in comparison to more graphic intensive games.

Honestly Blizzard needs to step it up in the optimization department. Since WoW seems to be in it for the long haul “aka no WoW 2”, Than Blizzard needs to make sure that this game runs smooth as butter in order to drive player retention and reward players that have invested in building or buying high end systems.


No official fix yet so I’m not reverting anything until that.


Unfortunately I still have about 2 weeks left on my sub, but if this isn’t fixed by then, I’m out. Problem is, we still keep playing and giving them our money. Perhaps if we all quit, they might get a clue.


Just a “idea”… I’m at work so I can’t test this. I also am not too sure on what the file does. Yes it reads, and writes for HotFixes. But what if you changed the extension to .bak? It can neither read or write to it.

The hot fixes come in spurts. So if the extension was changed to .bak it would stop all activity in that file. Does it NEED to read HotFixes all the time? That I’m not too sure of.

Like I said, this was just a idea.

That will probably get the same results as turning it to read only. And get reverted after you login on BN next time. Even if you delete the file this still happens anyway.

Ive done all that and im still getting lag for a split second when i turn in a quest. Its frustrating