Ok hotfix time lets hope they really fix the bug and don’t block the work around instead XD.
Not fixed yet. Come on, guys.
WoW Classic does not have this problem, so that is what I will be playing until this is fixed!
Update: WoW now only spikes my HDD at 40%. Looks like it’s getting better, still not there yet though. At this rate, two more hotfixes to go.
STILL no fix? Come on, guys. And then you wonder why we did the workaround instead (and have the gall to tell us not to try it when you haven’t even fixed it).
Yup, patch done and still no fix.
Wanna bet they will stealth patch with the reddit work around soon to appease us?
They will then say that they found a better way to do it and its “NOT THE SAME WORKAROUND”
wtf ??? For real?
Yeh they fixed crap all so far.
Can confirm, still not fixed. It’s over. We gave everything we had… blizzard failed us.
I cannot believe a team of some of the most vaunted developers on the planet could not fix this bug in an entire week. It’s absurd.
For real, this is actively hampering people’s enjoyment of the game and leading to unsubs (including mine before long if this isn’t fixed). Come. On.
And here I was thinking of hopping between 2 good mmos from now on. but looks like Blizzard does not want me to buy more game time.
Its obvious they don’t care about harming their customers PC I guess its time to head back to FFXIV where I don’t have to worry about such gross negligence.
For real. I have issues with some of their personal customer support, but they never let bugs like this into release, let alone leave them for an entire week on live servers. And that’s with a smaller team and no public test servers.
Issue is still there… where’s the fix? I think I will use that guy’s fix on reddit. At least he came up with something
i think its worse after todays maintenance.
Really? How bad can it be now?
OK i was thinking it was me even with the work around im still getting the laggy
Did they just patch out the Work-around?
Thanks Activision!