Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

Doesn’t do any good if their text is green.

Green is not immune. I got suspended once a few years ago. Someone used an alt to mass flag a really dry post with a link to the Support Knowledge Base on the CS forum. A mod suspended me for the reports. It was a mistake, they meant to suspended the person abusing the report function and it did get fixed, but - proof I can get suspended.

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So, someone fat fingering a button once means that you’re not basically immune to suspensions.


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I mean back in the day I was really anti lfr and lorded over people claiming top players dont care by constantly bullying them with my ces.

Even I had a false mass report overturned till I got myself properly in trouble through my own actions.

There are plenty of forums that you can’t alt switch in, they all got the same drama. It’s the internet!

Just because you believe them to be true does not mean it is the reality. I have used the CS section several times and never received anything negative from their regulars.

What I believe is that your understanding of what happens down there is based off of confirmation bias.

MVP shouldn’t exist.


For sure. If there were ways to have some level accountability though, it does keep people a bit more honest. As is, people can’t be called out or kept in check by the community. The fact people can hide their armory makes no sense to me.

It’s delightful when people believe their lived experience is the totality of all lived experience.

Isn’t that exactly what you are doing?

I shared my experience using the CS sub-forum, but even taking a step back and observing in other people’s threads they are not being abused by regulars.

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I’m not denying that you had an experience that was pleasant and troll free. See the difference?

Protip: I know you don’t see the difference. No need to blather on about how you don’t.

Except you are.

Pro tip: Your entire post history is trolling. You sit there and call people trolls all day long, it’s the most used word in your posts. Nothing you post contributes to discussion and are almost entirely made up of one-liners.


Would a hug help, friend?

I have seen several players posting on both the bug and support forums that do get aggressive with people who are posting issues there.

The funniest thing is when players tell you it is already fixed because “Blizzard said so”, yet I still have the bug.

I see you are re-using recycled content.

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Reduce, reuse, recycle, friend.

We only have one Earth.

“Cool story, brah”

The last time I posted some clarifying information on the CS forum I was pretty viciously attacked, my posts were flagged, and the blue locked the thread because of it. After restoring my posts.

Link it for us.


I am not surprised they have some real “know it all” people there.