Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

There is a golf forum I joined maybe 9 years ago that had over 30000 members.
I think I may have seen at most a couple dozen of them were posting or had posted in like months and months.
It took about an hour to figure out why.
They all either left or were banned.
The admin there was the site owner and if you disagreed with him and his clique about golf in any way, you’d get deleted, lmao.
He didnt want a golf forum. He wanted an echo chamber.
Kinda like some in here do.
Well, not kinda like…exactly like.
I image if we could check mod and admin logs, we’d find a LONG list of ex members who left because of not liking the echo chamber mentality here…or they were banned for life because of disagreeing with the echo.

thread /off

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I invite you to spend some time there and observe.

I did and I have utilized the CS section several times myself to pose a question. Even in one of the recent ones right now a MVP provided assistance and made a disclaimer that they are not employed by Blizzard.

You are going after Mirasol and trying to generalize everyone who participates down there. Your personal experience is not universal truth.

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Not at all. There are plenty of people that participate that aren’t part of the in group. There are people that are part of the in group that are polite and helpful. I have no opinion of Mirasol individually, and in fact Mirasol provided support for my “conjecture” in this thread, so I wouldn’t say I’m going after Mirasol at all.

Yes, I understand that and again the same thing as I stated before applies. Your personal experience is not universal truth. Regular posters down there are generally helpful.


It’s not just the inconsistent moderation, this forum is lacking basic forum functionality “automatically” found on 99% of other online forums - for example a private message (PM) system where people can message each other 1 on 1 away from prying eyes

Also, it’s still PG13-rated in the year 2023 while most other tech and video game forums are adult-rated (which makes sense, since most gamers are adults nowadays)


My personal experience is not the norm because I don’t back down to bullies. So I agree with you. I’ve been watching that place for years.

Arenas are about bashing people up though.

Lack of thick skin is killing your forum experience

If you can’t handle it then you probably shouldn’t go on the internet. This forum is mild in comparison to much of what can be found on the internet.


Too much moderation on these forums tbh. You can’t even say the slightest offensive thing without someone getting mega butthurt. These forums aren’t a safe space…

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We had to come in when the streetlights came on.

Yup and our social network was being outside playing with our neighbors

Yea. The ‘trolling’ flag is overused and lacks nuance. Lots of the trolls aren’t outright breaking any rules on the service. They just disrupt the conversation and bury good responses. So many useless threads. Also, I know there are quite a few trolls that are hopping around alts just to ‘control’ the conversation. The same circle of trolls pushing up content.

In the end, we don’t even have to get rid of them. We just need people with actual knowledge to comment.

If you can run to an alt to trash a topic, that’s a problem. When people could see all your characters, the place policed itself and players were called out for the their garbage.

Both can be true. I don’t really want more moderation. They just need promote or push up good topics and responses. Or at the very least, correct the bad actors with credible information.

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 It says they dont prevent viruses right on the side of the box. Those Pharma shills who kept repeating the lies have lost all credibility. It took assaults on our freedoms/employment/education/travel to get many of us to 'listen' to anti-science corporate nonsense.

I am a very bad choice to use to “prove” your theory. I think your theory is that CS regulars post there, get known by the Support Forum Agents, then get made MVPs with “special privileges”. Those privileges as far as I can tell are the publicly known email address to the TS/CS MVP lead, and the TS/CS Discord.

I was not asked to be in the MVP program for my posting on CS - so I am one of many who was not a CS regular when selected. I was asked if I wanted green after a year of being the one doing most of the basic TS helping on Diablo 3 TS forum. One of the Tech Support Blues nominated me I guess. That was 10 years ago. Discord did not even exist, there is no compensation.

I don’t know what you think goes on in the Discord, but it is not the hand rubbing and plotting some might dream up. It is boring, addresses policy changes, addresses emerging issues with “did you guys see this yet?”. It is also a place MVPs chit chat with each other about mundane things, although that is rare. There are not many of us left.

If your “concern” is that MVPs are selected from people who the staff are familiar with, yes. Of course they do select from people who have an active posting history that the Support Forum Agent is familiar with. Your post history is what they use to judge you, of course they use people who have an active post history that they know.

And then, the “reward” is green text with people targeting you, taking out anger directed at Blizzard on you, making assumptions about all manner of things, etc. Oh, and a Discord with some of the Support Forum Agents. Not all, by any means, but a couple.

None of this is secret. None of this is some sort of conspiracy, plot, or nefarious doing.

Fun fact, most of the TS/CS MVPs are not CS regulars and don’t post there often, if at all.


Naming and shaming is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.

It’s absolutely true.

They also troll the forums. It’s kinda funny to watch.


“Troll” is a catch all word for “said something I don’t want to hear, or don’t like”. Sometimes used for “used a tone that I did not like/text unclear”. Of course, it is also used for people intentionally posting concern trolling, bait topics, etc.

Actively breaking the forum rules would get someone removed if they did not stop it. That has happened before. No fast enough, but eventually it did happen.

MVPs are not required to turn into robots with no opinions, humor, etc. We can criticize Blizzard, just not with profanity, threats, slurs/insults. We can make jokes. We can chit chat with forum goers.

If you see someone breaking the rules, by all means, report them.