Why do anti " toxic" systems empower the worst people constantly?

Well, the alternative is that there are rules set for a T-13 game with no actual enforcement. I see from a few posts that you don’t want moderation at all. We see how that turns out on 4-chan and 8-chan.

People who report rule violations are not “the worst”. People who abuse it, yes those are pretty bad.

Are you sure you did not actually get reported for something valid? I think this was a forum reference you made but it sounds like sometimes you might cross some lines.

You could try not saying things that are likely to get reported?

You are always free to move your thread to the Customer Support forum though if you would like clarification on policies.

To do that use the pencil symbol to edit your post. It will give you a drop down list with the forum names and you can select Customer Support to move your own thread.

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