Lack of moderation is just killing these forums

You’ve read every CS post, I’m sure you’re already familiar with it.

So you are refusing to link the thread where you were “viciously attacked”.

I also never claimed to have read every CS post.

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Arguing with Evilglinda is not going to change Evilglinda’s mind I don’t think.

That IS one of the issues that can happen on the CS forum.

  1. People see the same things time after time so tend to give terse and to the point answers. Most of the time that is fine, but sometimes people take it as too blunt.
  2. Answers on CS are often things people don’t want to hear. They react by getting rude, using profanity, name calling, etc. The regs see a lot of that, and sometimes engage with the person in an argument instead of just reporting it and letting a Mod deal with it.
  3. Same goes for misinformation. We do have people who show up and post false things on the CS forum. That is one place where it most certainly is supposed to be corrected. So regs do and then, long arguments follow.

The Blues lock those threads, remind people to stop, etc. There is a point where the angry person won’t be swayed by any amount of logic, links, or facts. They just want to fight and waste your time. People sometimes are slow to realize that and let things go/ignore.


The fact people want to look at others armory makes no sense to me. Just respond to the words on the forum, or don’t, it’s that simple.

The information I posted was not “false”, nor did I react inappropriately to the angry CS posters who disagreed with me. My posts were restored and the thread was locked since the correct information was provided.

You’ve read enough of them to know the regular CS posters are ALWAYS polite and level headed.

There is a place for Armory viewing.

  • We use it a lot on the CS forum to help players resolve issues with quests, faction/rep, transmog, lost gear, etc. Seeing achievements, pets, mounts, and current gear/ talents goes a long way towards helping folks resolve issues. A lot of those pets/mounts/achievements are awarded for finishing quests or content so they serve as markers to help a player find where they left off.
  • Talking about a class or spec is helpful if someone has experience in that class or spec. Same goes for Arena, PvP, etc. If someone has not done the content, it is somewhat reasonable to question when they act like an expert on it.

Otherwise, most posting does not matter what someone’s armory or char show. Anyone can have an opinion on what content they like/dislike, what they think of a patch, etc.

Great, so a Support Forum Agent shut them down and fixed your posts. They were not allowed to keep going. That seems to be reasonable moderation to me.

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Cool story, that has nothing to do with the conversation

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I never said it wasn’t, but that wasn’t the point of this particular conversation.

Perhaps, if you don’t actually know what is being discussed, you don’t need to add your two cents.

Just a thought.

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That only goes so far. Experience matters. I say that from the vantage point of validation. Someone might say something that seems a bit crazy, but their experience warrants it. On the other hand, a troll might say something crazy and it’s hard to know if they are being sincere or not.

We don’t all have a shared experiences. What a 1600 player sees is wrong with the game is very different then what a 2400 player sees. Both can be valid, but how you address a problem changes.

This isn’t coming from a place of wanting to dunk on someone though. If I’m going to invest my time in responding, can I at least get some assurance I’m not being trolled? That’s somewhat the point of this thread. I want to help more and instead I’m getting trashed for it. So that leaves player who want to help out and the trolls just take over. Do you think that’s a good answer?

People like to compare pixels to see if your opinions are worth anything. If they think your pixels have no value they say “report and ignore!”

You sure you weren’t trolling? Greenies do get mouthy. I’ve witnessed it.

Yep. It was a really really dry and boring post linking to a Support article that answered the person’s question. It was not what they wanted to hear, but it was the answer and had no fluff or anything in it. Maybe that was the issue? No smiley face or chat?

No idea. It was a bizarre thing to flag, esp with multiple chars.

This is two times where you put words in my mouth. This is also you deflecting away from me requesting you to post that thread where you were “violently attacked”.

This happens a lot in GD and Dungeons & Raids. People don’t like being corrected and it almost always turns into an argument.

I mean it kind of helps weed out people sprouting nonsense on a topic they clearly have no idea about

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I get it, surprised you even responded to this alt account. At least that shows that the words are often more important, not the name, achievements, or rating.

And I don’t disagree that adding Btags or having some way to hold people more accountable won’t help. I just think it’s a small thing, we should focus more on debating what is said not judging by what we can dig up.

You will never get this. Even if it showed our real names and addresses people would still troll. As that will never happen and we are behind an avatar in one way or another there will always be some level of BS when on the forum or the internet in general.

Besides it can be fun from time to time to break from over serious debate of a video game and have some fun trash talking, trolling, or making some jokes with each other.

No, pixel comparisons never help.

The irony of you claiming that, then misquoting me is delicious.

Again, would a hug help, friend?

There’s no irony here. You put words in my mouth twice and you still refuse to share the link of that thread.

Oh, you sweet, sweet summer child.

You really are adorable.