Kil'jaden 2.0 Racials

Meanwhile chaos bolt is dying and being shut down due to rerolls… LW had been alliance capped for 3 months of the last 4. It is now horde capped. It is already happening.

There already is a shortage of Alliance PvPers according to some posts here. They’re rerolling Horde.

I checked. Priest players in BGs (horde side) out number Shaman players 2 to 1.

Makes sense, they don’t have to play against WotF while on Horde and get Hex of Weakness and/or Devouring Plague.

Meanwhile alliance teams are like this…


7/8 rogue never leave stealth and the team stops ressing after the first clash.

I wonder what woulda happened if the SoD team never bothered adjusting weapon skills at all but added new BIS weapons that were axes.

This would have been acceptable to us. Thermaplugg axe was a nice choice for example…

But I think the +weapon skill to everyone is more satisfying. Fist weapons, daggers, polearms, the odd staff, all become viable weapon options.

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As someone who was fully in the sweaty try-hards for years and years on retail, the only thing that made swapping factions feasible was character transfers. guilds of 20+ all rolling new characters for such a minor upgrade is unfeasible without the faction change service. There may be one or two guilds that do this but it will in no way be a common thing and it will not trickle down in any way shape or form.

I swear some of y’all make up your own problems based on what less than 150 players in the game are going to do.

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but this is not a minor upgrade. 25% AP with an uptime greater than 10% is not minor when you combine it with a massively OP stat such as weapon skill. Shaman are sitting at , lets say, 1500AP after the nerfs… find a trinket with 375AP for 15s. That is basically on par with earthstrike

sorry, when did alliance get improved windfury?
orc AP boost?

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Wild Strikes scales with AP, WF does not. It gives a static amount.

Currently in P2, if you are >800 AP, Wild Strikes is better than WF. In P3, if you are over 1145 AP, Wild Strikes will be better. Current SoD scaling rates point to that threshold being crossed about mid-phase.

Both factions have access to this, making WF an absolute non-factor.


If you want proof look at the number of whine threads when Alliance has DMF. Horde ganks just as much in Mulgore and tries to ruin DMF buff timers…

But Alliance doing it? You see the whine train go full speed.

Horde are just hyper competitive whiners.

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Which servers?

Pvp servers favor horde right now.

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How quickly the community forgets about throne of thunder and the troll racial

When are people going to learn that the orc AP boost only scales off of base AP and not current AP. It’s garbage

Yeah, it’s like a 1-2 dps boost in exchange for mortal striking yourself for 25 seconds.

Troll Berzerking is honestly a better dps racial.

yeah it kind of stupid.

Its like they realized radials were dumb had to double down instead of just removing them.

good thing you got wild strikes as well. but i hear ya, and i didnt know that.

at level 60 i was getting something like 200 ap off it, snapshotting 200 ap at the start of a fight is NOT garbage. 200 ap is not garbage, its an insane racial.

this right here, I can’t believe they don’t realize this. Humans USED to be BiS for PvE…now Horde Orc is BiS for PvP AND PvE.

I wonder why you didnt read for another 10 seconds.