Kil'jaden 2.0 Racials

right when alliance didn’t even have it at that point since it wasn’t trainable until lvl 26… Theyll get HvH bgs too, likely soon.

We just asked for:
Shamans to be fixed.
The runes to not all be placed in deep alliance territory requiring running on foot across 4 zones with no flight paths anywhere near it.
To have some axes rival the power of the swords and maces.

That second one never got addressed, and axes still aren’t on the menu to be as good as swords and maces, so obviously they’re gonna let us have weapon skill. It even equally benefits alliance, now Humans aren’t bis for everything.

Yeah, now they are bis for nothing and orcs are bis for everything lol.


Meanwhile all the human casters are sitting back sipping their tea wondering what the hubub is all about.

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lol ok dude… Horde howled. Literally all of that was swung so far in the other direction that it is clear they are trying to just kill the alliance off.

And when they are all parsing gray cause melee can’t come anywhere even close to horde they will jump ship just as fast as the physical dps.

You guys are being so dramatic. the weaponskill change is not going to cause entire guilds to remake all their characters horde


You know most servers are alliance favored due to their known advantages right?

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And I’m sure those human casters are very concerned. Completely agast even.

I mean Sarthe already replied that it will most likely cause competitive guilds to swap to Aggrend on Twitter. So time will tell.

Not even close to accurate. It is pretty evenly split at the moment. There is zero alliance advantage now.

Getting the weapon skill, pet damage(melee hunters), and 25% AP on a 2m cooldown will drive rerolls for the speed running and parsing guilds. These guys will do insane things like drink mana flasks as mana potions just to get a few seconds advantage. This will 100% trickle down.

Youre intentionally missing the point but thats okay, im here to correct that.

The version of WF that Druids provide - and is available to both Factions - is a scaling version that is superior to the Shaman version once the person receiving it is over 800 AP. 800 AP is available in current gear. This threshold will change in P3 but not by much. The next rank of WF totem is available at 42. That will give +229 on the proc. 229x5=1145. Which means at 1146 AP Wild Strikes will again be better than Windfury. Given the gear scaling we are seeing so far in SoD, we can expect to see this level of AP be reached about mid-phase.

Have you SEEN the experience buffs??? The rep buffs??? Blizzard is practically begging them to reroll.

So it’s “asking” when Horde whine about wanting sword/mace skills, but it’s “whining” when Alliance asks for beserking and all the other crazy good racials that horde have after having horde get one of the best alliance racials?

They probably should have removed all the racials, however since they didn’t, you can’t really complain about Alliance asking for Horde racials, after the horde asked/whined enough to get the alliance ones.

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This behaviour will not trickle down. Only dum dum would copy behaviour they don’t have the talent to make good use of.

When horde asks, they continue playing normally.
When alliance asks, they boycott until their demands are met.

Yes, alliance only know how to whine.

Faction population is a different breed than mana flasks. While the price of alchemy mats for the mana flask on the AH has minimal impact, suddenly having less players to play with on your faction DOES have a large impact and will trickle down.

hahahahaha… world buffs, song flowers, getting MC’d for warchiefs… All the while running with deep prot tanks… The dad guilds will 100% follow the parsers. The point is that rerolling is minor in comparison to using 200 mana flasks in a naxx run.

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Boycotting? Is that a fancy word for the pvp’ers all rerolling Horde since it was favored with racials? Because of course they’re not playing Arathi Basin on their Alliance characters. They’re playing them on their Horde shamans*.

Hope ya’ll got your horde anchor toons locked in on every server - because it’s about to be locked for 8 months.

It’s all mega servers. There will never be a population shortage. Chaos bolt is a special case.