Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

k, I got you.

“It certainly isn’t something that we condone, but why a vote to kick is initiated or passes is not a factor. They may opt to initiate a vote to kick for any reason they wish, or no reason at all.”


the main reason they say that is to avoid having to intercede with everything, as hinted too here

Island expeditions are not content that can be failed especially at the normal level, unless you have a full low level group perhaps. a single modest geared 120 can solo a normal island. Vote kick in those as such should be abolished. Get a blue in here, thats my suggestion. No need to micromanage why people are vote kicking someone who carried them to completion - just block the capacity to vote kick in a normal island altogether.

Also that blue mentioned dungeon raids and scenarios. None of which match islands. Scenarios are those wod things that they deleted and never bought back, they were like mini quest driven dungeons for small groups. Dungeons are dungeons nothing to explain there, kill trash packs reach bosses, kill bosses. Raids are just big dungeons. Islands are kill all the things and fill up an azerite bar. Azerite bar fills with each kill. No structure no sequence of events, the only “fail” measure is if the enemy npcs fill the azerite bar first. They do not start untill your side is already at 50%. Vote kick shouldnt even exist inn islands as such. and if someone really wanted to afk on the boat and let them selves get carried by a sub 120 player just to troll kick at the end. Their xp would be in the tens of thousands per hour or less. Hardly seems worth it at that point

Point being it specifies that players can be vote kicked for any reason whatsoever, that’s the whole idea. It’s simply not “abuse”, you can’t abuse this system. I know this isn’t the answer you want but you won’t get a different answer.

Your best bet is to ask in the customer support section, chances are you’ll get a blue response. You probably won’t like the answer you’ll get but it’ll at least clear it up for you without all this extra nonsense in this thread.

There is only a few months left in this expansion, it is very doubtful they will change this now when people asked for this months ago.

I did 100s of these in pug groups and the only people who ever got kicked were those afk.

It’s more that as a unholy dk I can do mass pulls and win the island even without the help of my teamates, even early in this expansion when they were still relevant.

This seems to be happening more often lately.

I got into a group for a dungeon, was top dps, following mechanics, and got to the end.

Moments before the final boss dies they kick me and I lose loot, xp, and get a timer.

I think people are getting trolly before the end of expansion.

I use to do this at the beginning of BFA. It was fun kicking someone right before it ended. We would give them 1 simple rule at the beginning, stay with us. If they paused or did anything else, das boot.

At this point they should allow people to enter islands solo, a lfr geared player could probably solo normal/heroic quickly at this point. This way we don’t have to deal with players who only want to be parasites who leech your time and effort. Problem solved and the game gets slightly less social due to the lack of decency and respect toward unknown players who just want to do content.


Yep, no vote kick. Instead the party leader can kick anyone at anytime.

They need to let us solo these now. I don’t need anyone else’s help and I also have been kicked at the last second by two others who obviously were together. Enough of that crap, let me go in alone.


What island adventure takes 40 minutes? I don’t think they took that long when the expansion was still new.

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The proper recourse would be for a GM to look at the logs, confirm it, then strip those jerks of all their gear, items. and gold.

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You gonna pay for them to hire 5000 GMs?

we already do.

They didn’t break any rules so I’m not sure why a GM would do anything about it.

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If Blizz has to write out “dont be a jerk” then the game is already over.

There are already rules in place for things of similar fashion already. Kicking someone from a group isn’t one of them. You can remove someone from a group for any reason.

Sorry OP,

What a bunch of scumbags…

Don’t let it get to you

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Somehow “kick them so i can get their loot” doesnt seem like it falls into “the rules”