Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

That’s not a thing so not sure what you are talking about.

lol I saw that too, but because it posted from the wrong character, I was not going to bother going back to change it. The joy of buying a keyboard blind. At least I know now that the brand I have is to be avoided at all costs in the future. It duplicates keypresses 2-3 times, its a known bug, and they never even bothered to try and fix it, they just ship out replacement keyboards all the time. That is if you live in north america, anyone else (like me) is just done.

Hey OP,

If you’re interested, I could run couple of island invasions with you,

I log in every now and then on a daily basis,

I do casual PvE content without a sweat,

This is my ID: Vencio#11413

No… no you don’t.

You don’t get their loot. If the loot would have dropped for them it is simply lost, it does not get reassigned to anyone else.

Agree with this completely.

There should also not be a way to kick anyone once the boss dies.

I can’t believe there are so many ill-informed players. It’s hilarious.

That whole last minute vote kick from islands thing has been happening since they came out (well, since LFD came out really), been reported constantly- and of course Blizz has done nothing about it.

Frankly, they should’ve made it so if you provided something like 20% contribution or more you can’t be kicked.

Ever since dungeon finder came out, if I find myself in a group from the same server I just leave at the start since that’s basically the norm- wait until the end and then kick the one not in their premade group.

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