Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

You see I put ‘almost always’ in there for a reason, that is so people like you can’t come along and say ‘x’ happened to me so your are flat out incorrect.

oh im sorry, i skipped over the ‘almost’. my fault.

This is fine, you want the system to be better but don’t have a solution. I agree.

If someone smarter than us comes up with a good solution, then i’ll support it, but until then, i won’t support dismantling the system we have and making it worse, because i’ve LIVED thru worse. I played in Wrath when we didn’t have vote kick, and then we did, but no deserter if you were kicked. What we have now is better despite the abuses.

As for hiring SOMEONE, a flagging system would mean hiring THOUSANDS of people. Groups are running constnatly and some GM giving someone a warning 3 days later doesn’t stop your group from being disbanded today because a troll decided to ruin your day. Assuming GMS would have that power at all because how could they possibly prove someone purposely pulled that pat 3 times and wiped you?

Why bother with normals when you get better payouts and faster gameplay from mythics?

It shouldn’t be much more difficult than moderating chat, especially in the case of repeat offenders. They’d probably prioritize the people with the most reports and work from there. I’d be more concerned about the people who don’t give a reason or just type gibberish in the box, most of the other reasons that are commonly given can be verified.

The way you format your posts is a contrivance. It just distracts.
Same opinions on the surface, same cadence, feeding eachother easy pitches.

Like I said, just a feeling. Interesting I’m not the only one who noticed.

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I agree, but some people don’t want to use the group finder tool and would rather just queue. shrug

It would be incredibly more difficult than moderating chat.

  1. Chat channels have a set of simple rules. Naughty words, political and religious discourse. Things they can just establish as bad. That allows them to program a system to identify red flags and make a few people able to monitor ALOT of chat.
  2. Behavior is a literally infinite scheme of possibilities. If someone is trolling a group and “accidentally,” body pulls extra groups wiping you over and over and over, how many accidental pulls before a GM can declare it griefing? Now spread that over thousands of groups running simultaneously. How can anything less than THOUSANDS of people possible monitor that?
  3. So wait you’ll base it on the reason they type in the box? They would just make up something. Now you expect the GM to look thru combat logs for every kick to verify? What if it’s said racial slurs over voice chat? How does a GM review that?

When VtK was conceived, the devs knew the problem, they could clearly see that people were indeed misbehaving, going AFK, and causing trouble and there was no way to respond except for everyone to quit and try again.

That was the behavior they were targeting and VtK worked like a charm for that.

As with many 1st generation fixes, though, its implementation brought a selection of additional problems with it.

This is a very real flaw in Blizzard’s work ethic. They commit to a solution, and then once it is out they wash their hands, declare the world safe for democracy and wander off to something else never to look back.

In effect they traded one set of trolls for another.

Players, in general, are a cunning and ruthless lot. The worst among them will find the weaknesses in any system and exploit those weaknesses and the rest of the bad people will defend that behavior.

Dumping party members to increase chances of mount drop is not intended behavior. Its misbehavior made possible by the simplistic VtK system.

To defend it and ask everyone else to forget the evidence of their lying eyes seems worthy of pathos.

The current crop of VtK trolls only highlights the need for further treatment of the VtK system relative to different kinds of content and it will be the same in SL.

Its a problem that is not going away Blizz, you built it, now you have to maintain it or its breakdowns will keep affecting your player base.

It takes like 2 minutes and after you’ve formed your group you can jump right to the next two islands faster then the normals, which ultimately take twice as long to complete.

/10 characters

It’s not pretty on the working end, but it’s probably the only option that doesn’t weaken the system itself. Forgoing that limitation, the only other thing I could come up with is limiting groups that join a queue to one vote for the group, which would prevent mob majority but effectively mean removal of VtK in Island Expeditions and similar content.

Except Blizzard has already stated they will not punish people for grouping with friends, which i completely agree with. The vast majority of these groups are not trolls, and the trolls out there would identify them as targets that can’t fight back.

And again, removal of vote kick is not a solution, the game is so much worse without it. I would much rather deal with abuse that requires a majority of the group then deal with abuse that only requires ONE person who wants to be a jerk.

EOD it just feels bad having to suck it up and wait out the timer in those rare instances. Maybe it becomes a non issue in SL if they are made soloable. Guess we’ll see…

They don’t seem like a priority at the minute.

Yeah it sucks, it feels really bad, believe me i get it.

I STILL remember doing a legion invasion event on my hunter at the very end of the invasion window. I completely carried a group thru the scenario at the end, and those 2 kicked me right before it ended. Due to deserter all those quests were wasted as the invasion ended before i could queue again.

I STILL say it’s better than what we had before, until someone has a better idea.

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It is just stupid to me, what did those A holes gain from kicking this person, it is not like they got better loot or anything from kicking this person. But, I actually didn’t even know people were still running Islands anymore, anyways. So, what do I know.:woman_shrugging:

They gained nothing, but then again we only have his word that this is how things went down.

For all we know he was abusive himself and they removed him for good reason. Shrug

I know what you are saying, but, you can basically just hit Auto Run and win a Normal Island, lol, so who knows…

Would you want to with someone pointing out how much you suck as you’re doing it? Or other such abuses. Not saying that happened, just saying we have no way to know.

but what if i have been carrying THEM for the whole island?

yes there is a small amount of xp for getting kills and mining the nodes but if they did it the traditional way, it takes 30-40 minutes or theres the 10 min mode annd still get the 170k for island completion. so 210k or so in 40 minutes, of 170k in 10. Interestingly enough when i was leveling an alt in islands doing a whopping 4-5k dps, unable to solo a single elite, i was never kicked

would be really nice to get a blue take on this matter, i know its a 1 in a million shot esp this late in the expansion but by putting this post here, at least the dice are now rolling. Given how there is absolutely no other way to raise this issue however. Here I am, making the post. 2 people waiting untill I had done more than 90% of the work for them, then they kick me without word and issue me with a cooldown timer before i could requeue.

I get that some people out there think thats fine, They probably also endorse schoolyard bullies because the other kid doesnt fight back…

cant even raise a ticket to quizz a GM about it. they changed the ticket system a while back to only allow strict pigeon hole issues. Hence why i made this thread from the outset, hoping desperately that a late, last minute blue will see the issue and ponder a solution for now and the future. Though i do still feel that islands operate differently to raids dungeons and pvp instances as those can be entirely failed and players can be forced to suffer measurable gold loss if faced with blatant anti social player action. The random queue islands are substantially different, 1 competent player can solo a normal island even if the other 2 were literally a multibox afk on the boat, its unbelievably hard to lose a normal island. Horde npcs dont even show up untill 50% azerite. As such they shouldnt be bound to the same kick system, if any

how? the normal islands are exceptionally easy, have 3 lvl 120’s and its doable in minutes. have 2 low lvls and a single 120 and its still under 10 mins. have 2 110’s sitting on the boat and a competent 120 and its still easy, impossible to fail theres no timer or limits, the people on the boat could snooze and the 1 guy smacking stuff will still be done in no time. Given that a generic normal island boss is killed by 1 aimed shot and 2 arcane shots. I fail the see how others could stop me from KO’ing the content WITHOUT vote kicking me at the last second to spite me

1 aimed shot 2 arcane shots per boss, 300 something azerite. I repeat that 20 times, island complete.

reduced a 30 minute island to 10. I cant help it if the normal mobs are fragile and die to fast. I thought people would like getting faster chances at mounts/pets and 170k xp in 10 mins, as opposed to 210k or so in 30.

I queue for normals so that i can do something, and also help other players smash xp faster, I also target the bosses/rares trying to increase the chance that people will get pets/mounts. Even though I have heard that normal does have the lowest drop chance

This is true, I have done possibly 100 islands in the past couple of weeks annd out of all of them, have only been vote kicked once. I have played every single island the same fashion. Focus bosses/rares and go for maximum speed. When i have queued with the same people repeatedly, some ofthem have been quite happy to see me again. Most of them dont say anything though. I wont always get a wave back. The guys today even did greet me back, which is why i was really surprised about getting ejected without word

If i ever got round to leveling my horde characters this expansion I’d say we should jump in and do some together. I’m not an evil nasty troll. Im generally very quiet, but happy to help where I can, hence why i run normals and not just heroics. If i wanted to focus on myself i’d do heroic and just run with high geared players who also want to KO the content without ever having to see a 40k lvl 112 priest or something.

Im in the normals because its content I can do, and its a chance for me to meet random players and give them a quick boost in xp and a chance at the pets/mounts