Kick never gets abused i've been corrected

Explaining factual information doesn’t warrant the hostility.

Blizzard stuff goes to Blizzard. Discord stuff goes to Discord.

You made the post with disinformation, not me.

Report for what exactly?

If you people are so convinced there’s this massive vote kick epidemic of people doing it purely for the lulz, you will find a way to get some proof. If it’s going on like you say, then you won’t have to record every single run. You’ll be able to get it within a few runs when you go out recording. If you want to solve the vote kick issues you say exist, you’ll need to have some proof for people. So the question becomes whether you want to actually solve stuff by providing proof for blizzard to look at, or if you just want to whine about it.

Otherwise saying “there’s vote kick abuse going on” but providing no proof of people doing it for the lulz, is just like if I were to say Remorseless Winter crashes the game but never explaining how or giving evidence. If you want something fixed you have to be able to demonstrate a problem in order to fix it. As someone with 20 years experience in creating content for various other games, I would ignore every one of the threads I’ve seen of people complaining because they’ve provided no evidence of an issue. And if I want to fix something I MUST be able to see and reproduce the issue, or at the least see what they’re doing. Without evidence and the ability to see what’s up and/or reproducing the issue, there’s noting I can do even if I wanted to.

How you go about collecting the evidence is up to you. But if you people care about getting fixes for perceived issues, you’ll find a way to document it.

You have already turned it into something that doesn’t exist;
a make believe conspiracy so you could imply that you had
–proven-- peoples’ experience with VTK was a lie.
Like seriously dude/dudette get some help.

Once again this is all easily solved
stop pugging
and leave these people where they belong
in long queues.

So the guy from a few weeks ago who gave us proof that he was in fact the problem, his channel has a playlist titled something like “vote kick abuse”, and it shows 5-6 other times he was kicked from groups, and all but 1 kick were well deserved.

The 1 I saw that was not something I would have kicked for was where one of the group members seemed to be off on their own somewhere doing god knows what, and he was either really low health for a while or ended up dying, and because the streamer was the healer, the group kicked him.

The other 5-6 kicks were him just being a very bad player, leading to group wipes. After every single kick he would start explaining how it wasn’t his fault and it was either the tanks fault or some type of game bug/glitch/fluke.

I think some people don’t realize just how bad they are and that being that bad is a valid reason to kick.

Most people who are getting kicked more than once in a long period of time are just not good players, and they’re getting kicked because of it. They make catch a stray here and there where they really maybe shouldn’t have been kicked, but my theory is that they don’t get much leeway because they’re not worth keeping around anyway.

Of course, all that said, yet any kick a majority of the group deems valid is a valid kick.

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Could we get a link to the vod?

Alot of this sounds oddly familar though… I wonder…

Edit: Nevermind you mentioned meters, you aren’t who I thought you were.

According to blizzard themself, they know you can kick people for no reason and have no problem with the player base doing it for fun.

Literally none of this happened.

You clearly didn’t read what I wrote. Let’s try again.

Notice I said “that particular one” and “might be,” while also saying quite clearly that I do believe they will put dumb stuff in that reason box on rare occasions.

Nowhere does that claim anything that you’ve said. I’m speaking solely of the reason box and never once claimed that it could never happen.

Attempting to claim anything else is you twisting my words.

then they need to remove the 30 minutes deserter if they are going to yolo this…

The people doing it may as well brag about it instead of pretending like it never happens since Blizz thinks its fine with the behavior.

Continuing the discussion from Blizzard can you look into my Last dungeon Ara - Kara - did i deserve that vote kick?:

People need to stop cherry picking what they want to hear. They left it open for suggestions to fix it.

However people are not suggesting fixes in the dungeon forums like they instructed.

“we’ve seen this type of thing before where people will incite a riot by using photoshop.”

I don’t need to twist your words, you do it quite well on your own.
As I said before:
I stopped pugging long ago because, even though I have never been kicked, I was asked to kick many times and most of the time it was for bigotry in one form or another.
Why you bothered directing your claim at me that “I checked it in 2 programs that claim it is modified” (no link given) was not for the implication of “causing a riot”, I guess.
Maybe you should have directed it to the original poster.
Your white knight-ism really does get bizarre sometimes.
People asking for improvements to a game or system is not a slight against you personally dude.

Whatever, I feel sorry for people that feel trapped in a Pug system that is in fact so easily abused.
My advice, don’t pug. Join a guild or community.

And again…

Learn to read and stop making crap up.

I quoted the one who posted it and you who addressed the image. Do you not know how to read a forum? Or do you just like twisting stuff around?

Literally nowhere did I claim this either.

What the hell are you even on about?

As I said, I don’t even need to twist your words.

Nah, you just don’t read them and make up insane stories. Bye!

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People on the forums really just like to be legalistic, but honestly it’s goofy as heck to think it’s not a problem if random people are getting put in a 30minute timeout because others think it’s funny/because they can

Even if it was the case that you weren’t the best at healing, tanking or dpsing and they kicked you because of it, there’s really no reason to be 30 minute jailed from playing the game…

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So you want to go back to the times where tanks and healers could hold groups hostage and demand to be kicked because “I’m not doing dawnbreaker” and cheese the system to get random rewards without it actually being random? Because that’s exactly what happened prior to the deserter penalty being a thing. Quite simply put, don’t leave groups and don’t do stuff to get kicked and you won’t have issues.

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Are people willing to waste their time like that again? This isn’t lich king. WoW lost millions of subscribers since then. No body has the patience for that garbage anymore they just want to get in and get out the fastest time possible.

Holding groups hostage just seems to be a major waste of time. People are more into getting into a dungeon downing last boss the fastest time possible and getting out. Why would anyone want to waste time holding groups hostage today? The game isn’t as big as it used to be. There is no point or purpose in it now.

Ah yes…doing stuff like “checks list” having an ugly transmog.

I love how you all cling to this reason as if it’s even remotely common enough to be this upset about

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Mate, I highly suspect that isn’t the reason you are kicked in the vast majority of times.

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