Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

I raided Mythic in Antorus and Uldir. Personally hate the current gearing system.


I ran heroic COS the other day to use up my coins, this guys first run he got a 425 socketed lurkers trinket. Or the guy I pugged bod mekka with a few weeks ago with his normal 425 diamond laced tank trinket from opulence.

Obviously it doesn’t affect me but it still shouldn’t be slot machines. There’s already plenty of rng in this game and titanforging made it 10x worse.

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I’m super casual and hate the current gearing system. Does that automatically invalidate your opinion?

I see a lot of wf/tf and rng being pointed out. So lets imagine warforging/titanforging/RNG got “fixed” by some way or another. But in this theorical situation, people are still being to achieve almost heroic raid ilvls (-5) just playing a lot of different aspects of the game. Some easier.

Does the situation improved or still sucks?

edited typos

It makes loot more valuable slightly, it’s not going to go back to the way it was in vanilla obviously. They’d also have to tweak/tune m+ also. I wouldn’t mind if they kept it but made it so lfr would only titanforge as high as normal, norm to heroic, heroic to mythic base.
Then for 425 gear you’d have to go into mythic raid content. That would make it more valuable to the way it has been for the majority of wow. That’s basically the only thing that’s rewarding/enticing about mythic raiding is the gear other than mount/achieves which who cares to collect achieve points.
But it gives people something to shoot for other than just downing a boss /pat eachother on the back lol.

For the casual player base, like it was said many times. You don’t need a 425 weapon to kill casual content like wqs/lfr/norm/heroic.

Some people PVP
Some just enjoy the sense of progression (killing things faster, having more health)
Why deny them?

you can do heroic cos and get the weapon, that’s more than op enough for garbage pvp. as far as killing things faster then get good and put effort/time into mythic progression with a guild

Last season was my first arena season, got glad in s1 and in s2, it’s a joke and you don’t even need gear to pvp. you can go in there with world quest gear and most pros do exactly that. they’ll level a toon or boost it to 120, get a full set of gear no matter how crappy it is and go into arena.

I am all for it. But different ways to acquire gear should mean different gear bonuses/tiers.

I think that the 8.2 raid loot is a step in the right direction.

I’m very glad we get the bethnic gear, which we farm up to 430 somehow.

I’m not a raider, lots of people are not, but many of us are also loyal, continual, 15 dollar a month customers.

I feel they do pretty well now, making me feel good about gear I can grind, using my random murder hobo playstyle.

My guess is, as a soloer, it will take me longer to grind those items to 430. This is fine, since my guess is raiders/mythic whatever get more of the required whatever faster.

It also will give me good soloing target content, doing whatever was or what not while getting the new reps to exalted, as well as scores of paragon caches, like now.

But I think raiders whomever, can get 440 stuff or something? Not clear on this.

So I’m sorry, if them putting in contents for me to grind, doing my thing, staying subscribed and paying them, somehow minimizes what you like to do, Elune forbid!

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How is this raid or die? You just said yourself that Blizzard is giving players extra rewards for doing WQs not raiding so…

The only rewards that you currently can’t get equivalent to (not including luck from WF/TF) raiding is Mythic raid rewards.
Every other tier of reward has alternative content that can be easily completed solo to receive those rewards.

Nah, the mythic gear is not more valuable to the majority of the playerbase. Because the majority of the playerbase is not interested in mythic raiding. You are only self reflecting it.

I you wanna argue that the 440/425/400 raid gear should have different traits/bonuses of chance on hit/use on gear and weapons than gear you get on world content or gear you get from pvp then i am all for it. But to claim that someone whom also dedicate himself everyday to world content deserves the limbo then no.

Personally speaking, gear is a means to a end, not the goal, for me.

Having top tier gear doesn’t make you able to do a Shrine +20, kill Mythic Jaina, or solo kill 3 people in WPvP. It gives you the power, but not the skill that I think is more valuable.

If one doesn’t have the skill to tackle the content in the first place (or the ability to learn how to tackle it), all the gear in the world won’t do you good.

Plus I value more evergreen rewards over power based ones, since Power is Temporary, Fashion is Forever. :ok_hand:

Yeah I agree mythic gear isn’t more valuable to the general populous because like you said they aren’t clearing mythic raid content. But the question here is about the titanforging system and them randomly throwing out gear for free equivalent or better than mythic raid gear.
I don’t understand your argument of time invested into something, unless you’re good enough to beat the more difficult content you shouldn’t be getting the same quality rewards for doing less.

Just because you throw bodies at a boss without being a good player or having a good group to do it with doesn’t mean you deserve the gear after wiping a thousand times.

Oh blizzard gm, we’ve wiped on this boss 1000 times, can you give us free loot for investing our time into it but we can’t kill it.

I’ve been killing boars for a year, I deserve a 425 piece of gear.

I logged in for the week I deserve a 410 piece without doing the 10+ key.

Why is it almost always people who haven’t done the content who complain about ilvl item increases from WQs? :thinking:

I wouldn’t be against that.

But also make getting a certain item level just an entry into raiding. Then everyone’s gear is normalized and their skills as an individual and group is the determining factor for successful raiding. Not just successful completing some WQ’s or Warfronts to get gear and out gearing the bosses. Then give out transmog sets, mounts, pets, etc as the rewards instead of the outdated gear as the reward system.

I’d be down for that as long as it had a reasonable progression system up to it.
Then perhaps 5 ilvls increase to normal, another 5 to heroic, and then 10 to mythic.

Or something like that. Give something still but not overly much.

Cosmetic rewards and such would have to be more common from those contents than currently though and that might put a lot of work on the arts teams.

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Thank you for posting this because it’s true.

Is gear the point of the game, or is gear a tool to deal with tougher bosses? At what point does it go from wanting to experience more of the game to blatant e-peen stroking?

Maybe it’s early, maybe it’s the drugs I am taking for my allergies, but I swear your two statements contradict each other.