Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Good thing there’s the Group Finder right? As well as Mythic+!

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I agree with you. What folks do in this game is their bizz, not mine. I’m they same way IRL. As long as it doesn’t affect me in a personal way I could care less.


Well, for me, being a Mythic raider is:

  • Being willing to learn and improve
  • Showing up for raid nights on time
  • Don’t be a dick

Gear comes naturally after you fulfil those 3 requirements and find a guild, that’s how I got into my current guild.

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I did all the guild stuff a long time ago, and it was a blast. Took a few years break. Guild is long gone. And haven’t found one yet.

I really enjoyed trying to learn to take down LK. It took awhile but we finally did. That was the best part, not the gear.


I have and that’s the reason why I don’t any more ,just for that reason you don’t get the gear even if it is mythic.I got tired of it every time I need a raid or dungeon because of rng.I’m not saying that I couldn’t do it but why should I when the reward is 0.

Talking about classic, there wasn’t much rng other than if the items dropped or competing with 39 other people.

Oh.I’m sure they wouldn’t like it.

I think it’s possible that “no flying again ever” might have had something to do with part of that also.

The 3 million drop was from Q1 2015 and was reported a few weeks before the “no flying” interview. That did have some impact still since Q2 2015 ended up being the second biggest reported drop.


Flying is a big part of wow now, I find it idiotic if they got rid of it because 75% of their mounts fly.

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It can’t be that big a part of WoW when it hasn’t been enabled for 75% of the time during the last 3 expansions.

It was bigger in previous expansions but noone wants to use their ground mount the entire game that’s why they usually wait til you’re half way through an expansion then they release it. The only reason being they think you aren’t experiencing the content if you’re flying high above it.

But seriously who wants to stare at trees all day, better off going outside, better quality.

Do you really think we have less players now because of emissary rewards?

Like, people saw the emissary reward and legit thought “that’s it im not playing anymore”

I find it hard to believe

I’d find it hard to believe too, since that’s not what I said. I do think people are getting frustrated with the way Blizz has handled content rewards, wf/tf, and heavy-handed rng gearing this xpac. And throwing more gear at us isn’t the solution.

I vehemently disagree.

some dude who logs in and kills boars for 5 hours a day should absolutely not get the same type of gear as someone who is downing the most difficult content in the game.

it’s a sad place we find ourselves in though, where that is the case.


Honestly I was going for bigger post but I’ll just say that they aint throwing more gear at the players in 8.2. The same amounts should be showing up to players in the near future

this is incorrect. I read an article about this this morning its actually upgradeable to ilvl 425 ( close to heroic ilvl of 430) . good try tho

People who do the most difficult content in the game do get the best ilvl gear (mythic raiding).

Interesting enough, a mythic raider just posted before us saying he does not care.

To quote him:

Im interested in knowing why do you think the opposite

Because I think rewards should be relative to the content they were received in. Same reason I think titanforging should go.

ps. also a mythic raider. we aren’t a hive mind.


Differing opinions obviously. The titanforging system is just idiotic. It should have a cap on it or be removed. The warforging system wasn’t bad but still going 65+ heroic garrosh kills when it was current to only see your weapon warforge once the last week of the expansion sucks.

It doesn’t affect how they play nor does it affect others. It just isn’t deserved in my opinion if you’re doing world quests vs a raid group of 20 people that require coordination and more than a few minutes to clear and being solo.

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