Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

I heartily agree. Not to reach mythic levels but by the end of the raid “tier” I should be able to grind my way, doing some kind of queued or solo content to close to heroic level. If not then casuals like me will just end up unsubbing until the next patch. Maybe flying will help let me get back into alts, but right now the only thing I can do is try to get a lucky TF/WF to progress. And I have tried to ust the pre-made GF, but I’m not a FOTM and after 35-40 minutes I have to stop so I can actually try to play yhe game. Just saying as long as blizzard cares about my sub $$, there had better be a progression path for me.

In addition, professions now require you to scrap gear in order to get parts to craft gear. You basically need to scrap a ton of gear just to get a few mats. Or vendor for gold. That is how the game has evolved. We don’t get upgrades on most drops.

I am not sure what the point of this post is. Are these observations of how the game is now ? If so, I agree this is what is happening.

You know what happens when people don’t have a reason to log in right ?

So you agree that time spent > skill/effort and time spent doing things that matter like finding a guild/group to do the content you desire doing.

Welcome to the new World of Warcraft.

Yeah, it just doesn’t compute to me. I’m just wondering if most of these people played dark souls on the highest difficulty, would they be still stuck in the first room then after a while after not getting gear for dying for hours then either complain to the devs or quit. I’m sure they quit, just like in classic they’ll also.

Oooohh, I love that analogy. So on point.

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It’s not about “need”, it’s about the carrot on the stick. “Keep playing kids, and this is what you get at the end”

Why in the world would I keep playing, doing the same things day in and day out and get nothing for it. Kind of like working for free… why would you?

It’s not about what other people get, it’s about what you don’t get, or even can’t get.

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Why in the world would people keep doing real end game content when people who don’t do real end game content are rewarded almost equally? Why would you?

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If gear means that much, why wouldn’t you do actual content to obtain it? Oh, that’s right, because doing 4 world quests a day gives better gear per week then heroic raiding, to say nothing of how pointless having a “normal” raid difficulty is in this expac.


Because it’s a much faster route to do it that way if you have the skill and/or lifestyle that allows for you to set aside a specific time of week to be able to raid on a schedule.

I’ll add though, that I don’t necessarily agree that it should be the same ILVL as top tier raid gear, but they should get improvements as a reward for their - much larger I might add - time investment.

I have real life commitments that do not let me set aside specific times to raid, that’s why.

Don’t assume that because you have the freedom in your life to do such things then everyone else must as well.

I get to play when I get an hour or two here or there of free time, and it’s a different time every day, if at all.

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Agreed. World quest, warfront, weekly quests, ect. should all offer gear equal to LFR gear, that’s it. No WF/TF, no high ilvl welfare.


I’d be ok with that.

A couple things.

  1. With the addition of communities anyone can find any number of groups the run at any numver of times, they aren’t restricted to guild groups if they want to progression raid.
  2. This still doesn’t mean that heroic raid ilvl gear should be handed out to people who play for maybe 20 minutes a day.

For reference, i have an alt that has done no m+, and only killed the first 3 bosses in normal BoD one time each (which gives 385 gear, but i don’t think the alt in question actually got any drops). I haven’t even played that alt in 2+ months. That alt is 396 ilvl. 4 ilvls lower than what a heroic raid drops.

Topic obviously pertains to how freely gear is handed out to players. It started to go into the topic of casual players expecting gear of higher ilvl than the content to be handed out. You don’t need higher ilvl gear to do world quests, if you want higher ilvl gear then learn your class and boss mechanics and go into dungeons then raids, that’s how wow has always been. If you don’t want to then you’re sol, stay doing world quests and complaining on forums.

Again, if I only get an hour or two here and there, am I going to put the time in to try and put a group together only to abandon it shortly after because life happens? I’m going to do something that doesn’t require much time commitment to complete, or something I can drop on a whim if my wife decides she wants to go for a walk or watch a movie or something.

You make it seem like a simple solution. It’s not for people like me.

And if you read what I said above, I also agree that we shouldn’t get top gear. BUT, we should get improvements.

Like Kesnal said, LFR quality tops. I’m ok with that.

Continuous play means something. Everyone who plays a lot deserves rewards to encourage them to continue playing the game in whatever way inspires them to do that.

We are their best customers, not elites who only play a few hours a week and unsub every time they finish rushing through the latest content.

The game should not be designed to consume itself from within by discouraging the most dedicated subscribers from playing.

Wow needs way more players who play a lot.