Keep Slime Cat in Normal

It’s just sad that people are just that jaded or haven’t interacted with someone like us. As for me I like helping people, it’s why I opted in to be a guide also :dracthyr_shrug:

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Scurry back to your Discord

most low level players are in game atm…not on the forums. this is like 5-6 players on the same alts i am pretty sure :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

i believe most LFR players will end up getting the slime cat if they want it. not sure about the GD ones though…guess that’s on them

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They announced this on a Friday so that most players wouldn’t realize it right away, the same as they announced that flight was never coming back and they had never intended to during wod. On a Friday.

Most players don’t realize yet. At this point next to nobody’s going to find casual guilds doing normal raiding. Most of them stopped during the Sepulcher debacle, you know when it took 12 weeks for normal raiders to get the tier set the raid was tuned for? And the people who are like, yeah, find friendship runs? Just like in wod, they’ll be helping for cold hard cash.

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Hey I could care less about the gooey slime saber sr mount, I voted for the ancient.

However I now feel inclined to ask since ya brought it up, if the mount has 0 benefits, why do YOU care? Cause from where I am standing you are either trolling or honestly think people give a kobold’s posterior about your an achievement.

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It’s a raid group, in a raid instance, fighting a raid boss.

No reason to be elitist about it.


But how will they brag and feel superior over you if you have something they have too?


This is why I feel outraged, personally.

I have a guild and I’m sure we’re going to get this mount together.

I feel empathy for introverted people who have little, or no connections, to try and get this mount. For the working professionals who can’t dedicate hours at a time to clear the raids. For the people with disabilities.

It places undue pressure on those people and needlessly so.


I’ve only subbed for this month alone out of sheer excitement of all the new info i saw on WoWhead, i don’t have a single character in full heroic raid (i mean dungeon) gear of current content, highest i have is sitting around 220 item level with no legendaries. I also hate being a burden to others and don’t see how I can get said mount in time without just outright buying a wow token and getting a carry.

Edit: Heroic dungeon gear, not raid gear.


That’s bait. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Either LFR+ or Mythic only. If you don’t want it handed to everyone, you should really be arguing to put it on Mythic only, or are you afraid you won’t be able to get it then?


I wouldnt mind if they made it mythic only. I would just use my gold and buy a carry

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Raiding and dungeons were my favorite part of the game, I would ever go as far as calling off on raids nights so I would not miss it. Now I barely touch them and just reading the forums the last few days make me never want to touch one ever again, people ruin everything.

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if it’s comparable to AOTC - which all signs point to it does…i would say it would be most appropriate on Heroic…there’s never been an achievement mount like that for mythic only

This contradicts your statement about having to earn it. You did nothing in terms of game play or skill, let alone social interaction to form a group to get it. You just answered the first person who spammed trade chat selling their services. Meaning this whole thread is just blind hatred to LFR and anyone who won’t shill out money for poor game design.


If it’s AOTC you’re handing it out to pretty much everyone, right? So it should really be Mythic only in that scenario.

I’d bump that number way up, personally. There’s so many people that exist on GD who never post anything constructive or create their own threads because they don’t have any original thoughts.

They exist only to denigrate others and crap on original ideas.

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uhhhh is aotc handed out to everyone? cuz i’m pretty sure it isn’t :nerd_face:

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Sure lets put it in Mythic only then. I’ll be down. Very inappropriate for a community council to advocate for such things.

Neither is LFR :nerd_face: