The Hate for LFR is Puzzling

The huge amount of vitriol I’ve seen for LFR and LFR players over these past few days is honestly astounding. And I really don’t get it.

I recently returned to WoW after taking a 6+ year break to play other MMOs. My main MMO in that time, which I still play, is FFXIV. And no, I’m not here to discuss which game is better. I’m here to just simply talk about FFXIV alliance raids and their reception in the FFXIV community vs. LFR and its reception in the WoW community.

Alliance raids and LFR are similar. They are queueable raids at a casual difficulty. The main difference is that alliance raids stand completely on their own. There is no “Savage” or other high-end difficulty attached to them.

What does the FFXIV community think of them? In general, people enjoy them. They are meant to be fun, (usually) optional pieces of content that has something to offer for everyone. Even high-end players participate because they want to experience the storyline of the raid or get gear drops for glamour.

There is no hatred for alliance raids or the casual players who enjoy them to the same degree that people in the WoW community hate on LFR and LFR players. There are some high-end FFXIV players that don’t care for them, of course. And others have voiced that they would like for alliance raids to have a higher difficulty attached to them. But for the most part, people don’t sit there and trash on alliance raids and insist that the people who do them shouldn’t get cool gear or fun rewards.

So, why is this the case in WoW with LFR? Why is the existence of a queueable, completely casual raid difficulty a bad thing? I’m genuinely curious whether anyone has a legitimate argument against it. (I highly doubt anyone does. But please, go ahead and attempt to prove me wrong.)


Didn’t they die?

No, they were like banned or something. Due to the mass amount of spam, I forget the reasoning.

As I have stated in other threads only players hating on LFR are the normal-heroic elitist gatekeepers because they can’t stand casuals getting rewards and think their pixels are shinier.

Yet the really good mythic players don’t look down on LFR because they are so focused on their mythic things, they don’t have time to think about anything else.

Maybe make the mount a mythic only drop then LFR knows ok it isn’t worth our time, yet the elitist normals-heroics will start crying should be quite the show then all the elitist tears.


The hate for LFR is coming from elitist trolls, who want to take out their real life frustrations on others in a mmo forum. These elitists will try to belittle and insult others in an attempt to feel better about their lack of success or satisfaction in their real lives.


Hating on people over arbitrary divisions on how they play with their digital dolls is just ridiculous. We’re grown adults playing with cartoons. None of us have any place getting up ourselves about it. :woman_shrugging:


WoW has always been susceptible to 3rd party financial manipulation.

the current business model encourages it through the sale of tokens which are recycled for RMT sales.

also the original mgmt was a part of an elitist mindset that lead to players being beaten at Blizzcon for being in the wrong faction.

we’re lucky its not worse.

Microsoft hopefully will take a different view if they acquire ACTI-BLIZZARD.


WoW is a game that gives a disproportionate amount of the rewards to a small group of top players. Because of this, many people, even those not part of that group, are trained to think that “Scrubs” don’t “deserve” X, Y, or Z.

At least, some of the people left think like that.


Gallywix was banned because of gold selling. Huokan and the other well-known boosting communities stopped doing cross server advertising and carries when the rules changed.

I have seen plenty of mythic raiders on the hate train.

There are mythic raiders who are good people, and there are those who hate LFR with a passion and are convinced that casuals have destroyed their game.


The hatred comes from Blizzard fostering a negative community that seems to believe they deserve prestigious rewards in a game for having more time than others, which is selfish and spoiler alert: not how it’s supposed to go.

I recently got in xiv a few months ago and it’s basically miles better if you’re a casual, no crunch, no rushing, no FOMO not really anyways. You can gear up any class with relative ease and there are plenty of cool rewards to get if you want to.

On WoW it’s like the polar opposite. The only rewards that matter come in the form of FOMO and doing high-end content, but it did not always use to be that way. People wonder why the game is dead, here is the reason why. The game in fact caters to no casual players at all really and the high-end losers try to gatekeep and tell others how bad they are for not having time or ability to do certain content. Which is pathetic reasoning and I’d almost not consider these hateful people to be living humans, just jerks at best.

And this only scratches the surface, I could go on and on about this and how the WoW community itself is in shambles for not realizing how awful they generally are towards people. Obviously, not everyone is but I’d say enough are that it deters people from caring or bothering, hence why they’ve quit.


Also known as…Players who have to time to actually play the game feel like they deserve rewards for their efforts.

That is exactly how it is supposed to go. If you are not killing the bosses you don’t deserve the rewards.

Yeah sure, as long as those players don’t tell me that I do not deserve rewards for not having time. It goes both ways honestly, if you tell me I don’t deserve something, I will say the exact same thing because fair is fair with that dismissive attitude that the WoW community holds onto like it’s a personality trait.


I have no doubts there are both kinds :dracthyr_nod: but if these normal-heroic elitists want to play dirty and talk down to us then as a casual/solo/sometimes LFR hero I will play dirty and do what I can to talk down to them.


Just call it what it is, Safari Mode

I really don’t care why you are not killing the bosses. But if players are demanding rewards when they refuse to kill bosses, I don’t really know any other way to explain it.

The system is as old as the RPG genre.

Ignorant. I will dismiss you as you clearly will dismiss others then.

No one is demanding things here. But Blizzard stated a particular reward(the slime cat) was going to be obtainable on any raid difficulty. You don’t have to care why others don’t have as much time as you, you’re lucky you even have such an ability, as the rest of the world usually doesn’t. But it doesn’t mean somethings aren’t deserved.

Were you this dismissive when the Obsidian Worldbreaker was obtainable through LFR?


I don’t hate the people in LFR I hate the design of it because it does not teach you how to get better nor does it reward you for playing better. I am not saying that people in LFR should have to “Min-Max” their characters but they should know how to do their rotation effectively and know about their toolkit.



Tourist Mode, which I have no problems with…


Blizzard has based the reward system in the game on the US healthcare system. A plethora of systems to make sure nobody gets anything they don’t deserve. And of course the appeal to those gamers who are among the most intolerant people in the world, who hate noobs on principle and want nothing to do with most people, because the overwhelming majority of people in the world are doing life wrong if they’re not playing wow and playing it right™.

Blizzard has indeed been an industry leader away from the idea that making people feel like time spent participating in content is well spent and will encourage them to continue to participate, and toward the concept that only a few deserve rewards, and everybody else should be made to feel bad that they play a game populated by so many people with the personality of a grapefruit.


The game isn’t for you then :clown_face: :crazy_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Average WoW forum poster response and what goes on in their mind when they say such things.