Keep Slime Cat in Normal

well sure it is…but if you are struggling in LFR then idk what to say :nerd_face:

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I can advocate for whatever I want. Right now I’m advocating for you to take reading lessons.


Yea I wouldnt mind that honestly. Better to move the bar up than backwards like everyone who wants the mount from LFR.

Pretty soon they will be outraged they cant do LFR and should beable to join raids at non-level cap.

good thing the devs have it at normal difficulty, so gg with your advocating i guess :100:


I mean the only players who stuck around this long are people who are here exclusively for raiding. Since they can do mostly everything right when it comes to the raid or die community they might as well fully come out and stop supporting pvp, world content, battle pets, or anything that doesn’t contribute to raids. That way we can all go on our separate ways if we don’t agree with the raid or die ideology.

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I dont raid anymore, just M+ when im bored. But when I did raid back in legion. Full time job/school still could get AOTC no worries.

Not sure what happened to the current player base though. Bunch of whiny babies

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Sorry you feel that way but I must advise you that I report your post for “inappropriate behavior” have a nice day. Keep it classy community council.

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This thread is hilarious from top to bottom.


Aww I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I promise :frowning:

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i got Ahead of the curve twice, just because i wanted the mounts real bad. It wasn’t hard but the toxicity of raiders was the worst part. I got kicked from a guild as a warlock because I refused to progress to mythic. They didn’t side line me, or just say to stop coming, they kicked me outright and sent me hostile messages. I wasn’t the best warlock as i was new to actually doing end game content on the class being a paladin main for the majority of my time here in wow. But lets not even talk about how hard it is to get into a raid group let alone a raid team within a guild as a paladin.

LFR is a tedious chore. I’d rather spend hours doing the covenant quest chain on multiple characters. Rarely I would click on LFR because I had nothing to but within 30 seconds I realized what a bad idea it was so I left the queue. I have no idea how people click on that button and feel anything positive. The rewards are nowhere near good enough for me to do it at least. I’d rather just not play the game and sit on this forum instead.

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ROFL…we’re not. You may relax now.:slight_smile:


I agree that was a stupid contradiction.

I love how this guy made the same post on different alts. What a weirdchamp.

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You’re the one acting like you’re better than an entire group of players :person_shrugging:

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LOL! Not in the least. Keep going though.


I suspect this is the real motivation for everyone who wants it locked to Normal-Mythic, so that they can profit off of non-raiders.


Let’s see lfr where people will actually have to do something compared to hey I’ll pay some one and really show how afking really works.

Tell you right now if I am paying some one to get it I’m not doing jack outside of maybe doing one shot then I’m alt tabbing back here to the forums between boss pulls.


Then they should remove it from Normal too.


You are exactly the type of player that contributes to the toxic WoW environment. In no way does anyone else who gets said mount have any bearing on your gameplay. You just want players shut out so you can feel better than them.

I have well over 400 mounts, but I’m not better than someone with five mounts, and I don’t care if everyone gets the cat mount.

WoW is a game, not life, so maybe step back and stop placing so much importance on something that matters very little in life. Games are meant to be enjoyed, not to create division and classes of players, but you seem to think otherwise.

Get over yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.