Keep Slime Cat in Normal

. . . ok I wasn’t gonna chime in but yea no it was originally called the Gooey SlimeSABER, it was ALWAYS gonna be a nightsaber type mount and was NEVER gonna be a giant tabby cat.

sigh I say open the achievement to lfr, not everyone can do normal raids and no one should be forced into situations they are uncomfortable with / do not have time for.

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Do you feel the need to defend things you dislike to strangers?

Also, what about group content is social in modern WoW? Nobody talks in most group content anymore anyway. You want social? Look into the RP community.


This section of the forums has these meltdowns frequently. It’s all apart of the GD outrage cycle. A new topic will replace the slime cat soon.

What are you talking about? I’m putting suggestions out there communities are a great way to find and meet new players and set your foot into raiding. And people say raiders are toxic >->

the big gimmick that blizzard is keeping secret to avoid an uprise.

dragonflight will have a catch.

blizz cant resist

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Oh I know. I’m someone who only looks at GD very sparingly. But this is exactly what I see when I do, LOL.

My favorite is when people then have meltdowns over the meltdowns. “To the people complaining about the mount”

Probably more like someone who makes real money off selling boosts.


In my little case study so far, I have found the most toxic of us is the people doing LFR, go figure. I’m making suggestions and trying to help out those who are worried they might not get the slime cat by suggesting communities to help them.

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You told me my new character should start a raid with her new buddy they did leveling dungeons with last night. Knowing absolutely nothing about what level or ilvl or skill level they were, you said they need to start a raid. You are your own problem.

that’s probably a big factor in why they are upset this is going to be organized group content…i honestly don’t think many of these lfr posters would even be welcome in a group due to attitude.

social interaction is def part of the challenge for many of them for sure if you ask me :100:


Maybe, but I believe man. I helped about 6 people this season getting KSM, and helped 10 different raid group get down normal jailor. I want to believe these folks will see people out there are trying to help them. But they are just throwing their toxicity onto me for no reason. Which is laughable and sad.


good for you! i do the same all the time. I’ve helped several people get KSM amongst other achieves this season as well! looking forward to helping out with the slime cat too :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Well if thats the case they should hand out CE

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Man, you’d be surprised to find out that for most people it isn’t even about the mount itself.

It’s about the principle of what they’re doing. How they’re continuously neglecting a certain section of the player base following their “we’re going to change” spiel around the Dragonflight announcement, and how it feels like they baited people with this last minute announcement of how obtaining it differs from what it said previously.

These people can keep their Slimesaber if it’s that important to them to stick it to those they believe are beneath them. But don’t be surprised as the die-off of casual players continues.


I was up set is was not going to be in lfr, then I thought about it, and now I couldn’t care less if i get it or not. We all will be restricted to 1 dragon anyway in a few months. Yea Yea I know all mounts can be used ground mounts. I’m sure they will make it so you have to use the stupid dragon all the time to level it.

I’m not saying the dragon is a bad idea or dragon riding is bad, it actually looks like fun. I just don’t want to restricted to a dragon on some characters. I never liked dragon mounts that much, I always thought they were to big. I want to use the mounts that I farmed for.

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Using the word “helped” to cover your butt for charging them gold for boosts is doing a lot of work here.


You arent foced into any content? Players dont need to get the mount that offers 0 benefits.

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Are you that jaded to think that people are not out here to help others in a video game?

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Its called a Blizzard shill. Buying a boost and letting a raid group carry you is different than sitting afk in LFR and using the mount. The only difference is you gave Blizzard more money for poor game design. Which in itself is hypocrisy because the same people who want you to buy a token to overcome poor game design are the same people who think LFR should be removed because its poor game design.

I’m pretty sure 60% of the people who actively post on these forums are the same people who enjoy bullying, harassing, hurting, and making other people miserable because it brings “enjoyment” to their poorly managed lives. Its the whole “if i’m miserable then everyone else should be too”. Not to mention that anyone with differing opinions in the human race are enemies of each other. I hate raiding, i think raiding in this game has been garbage for the majority if not all of its life time. However I do love pvp and think its amazing in this game. The comments i’ll get is “wow isn’t a pvp game, it never was, go play something else your feed back isn’t wanted here” even though pvp is a big part of this game.


they’re just jealous you won’t carry them for free dude…no worries lol