Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

do you promise to use both hands?

You are the one claiming 3g is to much to pay for doing basic gemming…

Im cheap, i didnt use combat potions in naxx 25 often because the content was extreamly easy. But even i had basic gems. They were not all rare quality for my gear until i started getting naxx gear to put it in, but i still had everything gemed and had enchants.

The green quality gems are the most gold efficient gems there are in terms of gold spent per stat gained. Yet even that isnt worth the gold prife to you apparently…

Do you sell your gear after it breaks because it costs ro much told to repair it? Because thats how stingy it feels you are being with your gold.

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Gammas spam you with 225 gear. Anything less than that might as well be quest greens. I’m all for gemming and enchanting, but not with throwaway gear.

If you are only using green quality gems the value of a 4 str socket bonus goes up becsuse the total stat value you are getting with just gems is lower.

If you can gem 2 6 str gems and not get the socet bonus you get 12 str. But if you gem 1 6 str and one 3 str 3 crit and get the socet bonus, that 4 str is worth getting and you end up with 13 str and 3 crit. But if you are using epic gems for 20 str per gem, you ignore that socket bonus because the raw power of the gems far outweighs the socket bonus.

Thus what i said earlier is true. The quality of gems you plan on using will effect if you go for the socket bonus or not in many cases. Its basic math…

Who implied that?
You’re reaching here. Linking RDF with ICC is a bad faith argument. They have nothing to do with each other.


Its not the only factor for consideration.

But it is ONE of the factors.

You step into a gamma and your the healer. Your tank is in pvp gear with 0 enchants or gems in sockets and he is squishy to the point you oom on trash pulls and have to use mana pots because you have to bomb him with heals just to keep him alive before mechanics. Do you keep that tank even though you “can” make it work but its costing you gold through constant use of potions because you are having to blow your biggest and least mana effective heals on him every global just to keep him alive or do you kick him? He has put 0 effort into his gear, yes the gamma system lets him in as he is past 210 ilvl, but its going to be a long and expensive run for you because he is not even trying to be tank ready but is still in there as a tank.

Now lets say you get another tank with the same gear, but he has some gems and enchants on that are meant to help him be a better tank. Stamina, defence ratting, dodge/parry/block. Even with green quality gems and cheapy enchants it would make a big difference.

Its not as important for a dps sure, but putting basic effort into your gear very well can be the deciding factor (of multiple factors) for if you get kicked or not.

So use thrifty gems and enchants.

Green quality gems are enough.

Just as when you were leveling you put green quality gems in your gear even when you knew you would replace it in just a few levels.

I don’t remember much leveling gear with gem slots. Maybe a few items in TBC, so I might have bought gems from the Honor Hold vendor. Otherwise it’s not worth it unless you are leveling jewelcrafting or enchanting and need to craft the items anyway.

Lmao why? Do you need the extra stats for questing for all things? And if you say every little bit speeds it up, I say time lost principal.

The time spent going back to town to buy gems to gem up your levelling gear is time spent you could have been questing.


LIAR, i said its not worth it. Learn the difference.

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Why would anyone with a rational brain waste currency for gems to put in leveling gear? Most dont have gem slots and you are replacing the piece in a few quests? I have never gemmed leveling gear, its a waste of gold and my time opening the window to gem it. Its not like you cant completely annihilate mobs out there without gems, my prot warrior with no heirlooms and no enchants or gems was 1 shotting mobs.

Also with the ever moving goal post these people always have, say you get green gems and you get inspected… “why dont you have blue quality gems? are you that poor?” and then proceed to kick, toxic is always going to be toxic.


I think you might have missed the context of the reply chain. I was replying to Robokappa, who said “good players play content they want, and don’t play for gear” (paraphrased), in response to my statement that good players play content that gives them gear that they need

which was itself a response to his post saying “good players have good gear”, a response to someone else stating that good players don’t always have maxed gear - some newer players are more naturally skilled, or it might be an experienced player playing an alt, etc.

I’m pointing out the failure in the logic that good players don’t play for gear, they just do the stuff that they find fun

You view 3g worth of gems as a waste because its to much to pay for something you will replace soon in your eyes.

But i guess that may be why you have issue with rdf groups being able to kick you, you probably dont even buff your group with buffs if it costs a regents because its to much gold for just a few temporary stats right? Do you wait to passively regen mana if you dont have mage food because it costs gold? Do you ignore food buffs because its a temporary stat gain that costs gold? What about elixers / flasks? Costs to much gold right? And we cant have you wasting gold on a temporary stat gain that might be gone in just a few minutes of gameplay…

I vote no on every votekick unless someone is being a meanie, we are out there, just keep trying good luck


It’s not okay to talk to someone like this. If you can’t rebut with a proper argument, just concede and move on.

That would be to expensive for him. As it would cost to much pride points for a temporary forum stat buff that he might replace soon. :laughing:


I mean, i only start looking at gear after something is clearly wrong after the first few trash pulls. If you dont have the stats for it, you dont have the stats for it.

And currently the rdf system doesnt look at your equipped gear for your ilvl check. It looks at every item tou have including your bank. Doesnt matter if you are a dk with 2 spell power trinkets in your bank that are buffing your ilvl to 210.

This is part of why the argument of “they have the ilvl to queue so you shouldnt kick them” is flawed. It isnt difficult to inflate your ilvl in the eyes of rdf system but still be considerably under what you should have on your actual gear.

This thread is approaching 1k posts of like the same 4-5 people regurgitating the same statements over and over. You got Nox: “it’s bad manners guys!”, Kelliste: “I’ve got another story about a high GS player that was worse then me! I’ll keep retelling it even though nobody is responding to me!”, Koish: “insert passive aggressive attack statement”, Shadows: “no effort required, just show up and you are qualified, participation trophies for all!”, Jeynar: "I just reply to the other 4 agreeing and restating what they posted. How does these forum trolls find time for this crap?

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Dropped my Church’s Chicken on the floor as we were pulling LK tonight. You guys are over here arguing about this nonsense and I dropped my chicken on carpet. I ate it.

Some of us got real problems.


I posted this on another thread, a thread where people said you needed to be 5k GS to be taken seriously and anything below isn’t good enough. People said 5K is easy to get, just buy it all on the AH for cheap.

I’ve legitimately went and checked on the AH for pieces that could gear a DK and none of my findings indicated any of that as “cheap”

And nobody here will admit it, but they try to claim some moral high ground by saying they don’t care for gear they care for enchants and gems. I call bull on that, why are they inspecting you in the first place? Tacotip saying your GS is low, so then they look at use the excuse of unenchanted to kick. In reality, they didn’t like your GS.

Because at the end of the day, Lil Timmy gemming and enchanting (with budget) on his ilvl 200 gear is still gonna do worse dps than the guy with full 245, even if he’s unenchanted. But I don’t think they will bother inspecting and kicking the guy in full 245, they’ll just look at GS and say “good enough for me” and run the dungeon.

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