Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

You sound like an idiot that buys the Frost Emblem set of T10 and get the gloves/pants first and then do VoA oops, the gloves you just bought dropped. Now they go to waste.

lmao way to prove you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Nobody actually goes for the socket bonus. The only thing people go for is full Bold (+Strength) and enough colored gems to satisfy the meta gem. That’s it. +6 crit for socket bonus isn’t worth putting in a blue/purple gem (the color, not the rarity)

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The socet bonus is worth getting if you are using green quality gems in many cases. And yes at times even with epic gems you will go for the socket bonus. It depends on stat weights of each class and spec for what you do. And typically if you are using green quality gems you dont miss out on enough strength or other priority stat to ignore the socket bonus.

Lets say you can use a 6 str (red gem) or 3 str 3 crit rating (orange gem) green quality gem. The socket bonus is 10 ap and required a yellow socket to get. You put the 3 str 3 crit gem in. As it is better overall.

Or are you 100% ignoring socket bonuses because you dont research your stat priorities?

Again, the value of those socket bonuses depends on the value of gems you are using. Using green quality gems means the socket bonuses will usually result in better overall stats to get the bonus than to just throw your primary stat choice in. Stat weights matter.

My server doesnt have any green gems so thats like 1139 for gems and another 1304 for enchants not counting the arcanum or greater inscription.

Maybe people should stop thinking their server is like every server and quit putting unrealistic expectations on other people.

Try a few thousand.

Yes… those 5 spell power is really going to come in handy!

Have fun finding those because there are 0 on my server… you might get lucky and find 1. The socket bonus isnt worth it.

Even if your servers AH has 0 green wuality gems on the AH there are vendors that sell them. No they are not the same total stats as player made gems, but rhey are still very much available.

Again, there are gems you can buy from vebdors. And if there truely are none on the AH make a JC and prospect ore and get flooded with them.

But tell me which server/faction are you claiming has no green quality gems.

Why bother? Thats just wasting gold to waste it.


Since T10 is only an upgrade for unholy as the full set, I’m not buying any until I have enough emblems to buy them all. If I get the gloves or pants from VoA before then, all the better.

Doesn’t Unholy use Scourge Strike now that the sigil for it exists?

Spend 3g and get 10+ stats (assuming 2 gems and a socket bonus) is a waste of gold…

You realize that is the most gold efficient stats you can get?

The cheaper the gems the more gold efficient they are, they are limited by the ammount of sockets available, which is why min maxxers pay for the best possible gems. In terms of gold efficiency for gold per stat gained, green quality gems are usually your best option. But even that is to expensive for you apparently…

Yes it is on throw away gear.

More accurately it’s a waste of time.

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There are 2 sigils, Virulence and Hanged Man. Virulence is for DW and Hanged Man for Shadowmourne.

Report this, let’s remove toxicity from the forums.

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Are people that cheap? I mean, I barely post stuff in the AH and I’m going minimum 6k per day just cutting and selling epic gems these days.

Though if you can’t afford a 6g enchant, you probably didn’t max your professions now that I think about it.

Yeah, these people are arguing that you shouldn’t spend 100-200g enchanting and gemming gear you plan on using for upwards of 50 dungeons because it’s “temporary.”

I don’t understand this logic, but I guess I’m in the minority who wants to min/max my character at all times. I don’t have epic gems on my alts, but I at least have blue gems and the lower version of enchants on non-BIS pieces.

There are only 2 enchants on my server that are that low, one was 4r the other 7. the rest add up to 1300.

Anything under 225ilvl is gonna get replaced quickly. It will only take 50 runs if you have the worst RNG ever.

No they don’t, a 4 str socket bonus is a 4 str socket bonus whether you enable it with a spirit gem or a str gem.

But ultimately it leads back to the same old discussion. 10 stats fully raid buffed on my main character is 40 dps. And that’s a ret paladin who benefits from 3 of those stats for dps.

And you’re out here saying a 4 str socket bonus is what decides whether you keep a person in a group or not? It’s utterly ridiculous and you don’t understand socket bonuses.

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and if i don’t? what are you gonna do about it? you wanna duel, bro? I snap you in half like a carrot. In front of Stormwind for everyone to see.